How does PACA work? Jörg Meyer-Stamer
A result of a PACA Exercise: Fishermen are trained to perform outboard engine maintenance Problem: engines often broke, fishermen had to pull in mechanic –high cost –delay = loss in catch and in revenue Solution: Fishermen are trained –to maintain their outboards so that they break less frequently –to fix the simple defects
A result of a PACA Exercise: Fishermen’s wives are trained in craft techniques Problem: low income of fisher families (about $ 100 per month) –income generation focuses on males Solution: train women to use locally available resources to create unique craft products
A result of a PACA Exercise: Creation of a surveillance squad Problem: pirates robbed the fishermen’s catch Solution: Joint scheme involving the harbour captain and the fishermen –harbour captain provides boats –fishermen provide manpower –a regular patrol is set up to protect fishermen coming in with their catch
How did the ideas for these activities emerge? They were selected during the sequence of –a results workshop –a presentation event –a way-forward workshop at the end of a PACA Exercise in El Oro, Ecuador They were prioritised using three criteria: –Can we do this with local resources (know-how, skills, money)? –Can we start quickly, i.e. next week? –Can we expect visible results in the short term, i.e. within three months?
What was the process that led to the identification of ideas for action? A PACA Exercise, i.e. a quick scan of the local economy, was conducted The idea to conduct a PACA Exercise was introduced by the provincial governor and a foreign donor organisation (gtz) The provincial governor approached local stakeholders A local host was motivated to support the process A PACA Team was created, consisting of local players from public and private sector and of external PACA facilitators
What did the PACA Team do? (1) Prepa- ration: * Orga * Ad- vance info Kick- off Wks Results- Workshop: Diagnosis + Proposals Interviews Mini-workshops Pre- sen- tation event Imple- mentation PACA-Project PACA-Exercise (2-3 weeks) Fieldwork (1-2 weeks) Hy- po- the- sis Wks Way for- ward Wks
What did the PACA Team do? (2) Organise a number of Miniworkshops with relevant local stakeholders –to collect information on the local economy –to create an opportunity for relevant players to meet Conduct a number of interviews Collect and digest information about the local economy Collect and prioritise ideas on how to promote the local economy
What is special about PACA? Very limited, short, but highly structured fact-finding effort Strong involvement of local community, yet limited time necessary for workshops (“Miniworkshops”) Direct link between research and action Strong involvement of local players
What about the longer term impact? Intangible results: Improved relationship between public and private sector Strengthening of business associations Growing confidence and competence of local players Tangible results: An ongoing LED process –business opportunities become visible and are taken up –collective action solves problems and realises opportunities Local actors move from simple to more complex activities –in El Oro: Creation of a local credit cooperative Increased income
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