Mrs. Newton
About Me Parkridge Elementary: Taught 5 th grade for 5 years Teacher on Special Assignment for 2 years Rosa Parks Elementary: 9 th year in Third Grade Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies Master’s Degree in Education
My Family
Supplies Pencils & Erasers Color Pencils or Crayons Whiteboard Markers Small Pencil Box Spiral Notebooks - will need to be replenished mid year Glue sticks
Our Schedule 8:25 – 10:10 Language Arts – reading comprehension, grammar, word work 10:10 – 10:25 Recess 10:25 – 12:00 Math 12:00 – 12:45 Lunch 12:45 – 1:30 Intervention/Writing 1:30 – 1:40 Recess 1:40 – 2:40 Science and Social Studies 2:40 – 2:50 Clean Up/Dismissal
Homework/Communication Homework Agenda - look here for weekly homework assignments, notification of graded assignments, announcements, and behavior Math – practice page –Practice multiplication facts nightly Reading – weekly fluency passage and 15 minutes of nightly reading Spelling – (Not required to be turned in.) Cursive – assigned weekly and turned in on Friday Late Assignments - parent note to excuse assignments
Discipline/Lifeskills GREEN Way to Go! Following all classroom rules YELLOW Warning! Review the classroom rules BLUE Consequence! Not following the classroom rules PINK STOP! Parent Notification/ Principal Referral Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Perseverance, & Kindness – honors and rewards
Treasure Box The class will earn ticket Tally marks during the week and that amount indicates the amount of tickets to be drawn on Friday. Students can earn tickets in many ways; keeping their card on green, an exceptional answer, or demonstrating a lifeskill. Donations to the Treasure Box –School supplies –Individual treats –Dollar store items
Rewards Team points: The team that earns the most points at the end of the week will earn a treat. Marble jar: When the class fills up the marble jar they will earn a reward such as popcorn and a movie. Students may earn an honor at the end of the week for not changing a card, completing all homework and classwork, and having their agenda signed and returned.
3 rd Grade Projects Biome Project –1 st Trimester –Make shoebox diorama at home Native American Day –1 st Trimester National Symbols Report –2 nd Trimester –Create a visual representation with any materials Biography Project & Spaced Out Musical –3 rd Trimester
Miscellaneous Information Parents Must always check in through the office Parent calls will not be connected to the classroom during instruction. Rosa Parks follows the Healthy Foods Mandate No home-cooked goods are allowed; they must be store bought. Only three classroom parties are allowed during the school year. Goodie -bags can be sent home at the end of the day to celebrate birthdays.
Our Class Needs You! Are you willing to be our Room Mom? Would you like to coordinate university t-shirts? Would you like to be our recycle parent? Would you like to help out in the classroom?