LIBERIA USING M&E Will we listen if reality does tell us the truth?
LIBERIA 2 USING M&E FINDINGS: OBJECTIVES Define the relevant stakeholders for the DO or Partner strategy Design a plan for involving stakeholders in M&E 2
LIBERIA 3 Who are the Stakeholders? “ Those who are affected by a development outcome or have an interest in a development outcome. Stakeholders include customers ….” (Def. p. 70) Customer: “The person or group who is receiving a service, or who is considered the recipient or beneficiary of a given result or output.” (Includes ultimate, intermediate, process and Washington-based customers.) (Def. p. 60) 3 M&E
LIBERIA 4 Examples of Stakeholders Customers/beneficiaries Government Ministries/Agencies Other donors Other Implementing Partners (contractors/grantees) Other DOs within USAID Other USG agencies Private Sector (Public/Private Partnerships) 4
LIBERIA 5 Options for Stakeholder involvement Defining the problem – National Confederation of Indians of Ecuador Defining indicators – Child soldier reintegration in Sierra Leone Defining the strategy – Health AO in Tanzania Choosing indicators – World Bank Doing Business in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan 5
LIBERIA 6 More Options Setting targets – Business Environment Improvement (BEI) Defining Performance Indicator Reference Sheets – Sri Lanka Mission Monitoring the indicators – Development Fund in Honduras Synergy among AOs – Tanzania Mission RFs included results from other AOs 6
LIBERIA 7 ≤ 50% 51%-79% ≥ 80% Bauchi 2006 DPT3 Coverage Before & After Campaign
Christopher Columbus Hypothesis: The earth is round and I can go to India (Source of Spices) by sailing west faster and cheaper. 10 StakeholdersInterestDefine Problem Define Strategy Choose Indicators Set Targets PIRSMonitorEvaluate/ decide Synergy Religious Authority Status quo xX Spain MonarchFinance War XXXXXXX Portugal Monarch Not at war Shipping Industry Short route less risk XXXX Spice Whole sale Cheap Spice Spice RetailCheap Spice ConsumersCheap Spice
LIBERIA 11 Organization Task XIVa: Stakeholder Involvement Table List your Stakeholders in the left hand column Describe their interests in the “Interests” column Think strategically about which stakeholders to involve in which aspects of M&E 11
LIBERIA 12 Where does stakeholder involvement fit into a PMP? Development Hypothesis Results Framework Performance Indicator Reference Sheets Performance Data Table Calendar of Performance Management Tasks
LIBERIA 13 Performance Data Table 13 PIRSs Critical Assumptions Context Indicators Calendar of Performance Management Tasks
LIBERIA 14 Calendar: Performance Management Tasks (MCS case) 14 Calendar of Performance Management Tasks Vet draft PMP with key Stakeholders and achieve staff consensus on finalx 2. Submit PMP to USAID – Renegotiate Quarterly Report Formatx 3. Negotiate with USAID on “F” indicators to be incorporatedx 4. Train staff in data collection methods and reporting responsibilitiesx 5. Design and train staff in Excel trend graph generation – common drivex 6. Establish all baselines and enter in Excel common drivex 7. Do a data quality assessment on baseline datax 8. Collect data for Quarterly Reportsxxxxxxxxxxx 9. Submit Quarterly Reportsxxxxxxxxxxxx 10. Review data with key Stakeholders for feedbackxxxxxx 11. Provide data plus additional information for USAID Portfolio Reviewxxxxxx 12. Survey Municipalities: fugitive dataxxx 12. Review/revise PMPxx 13. Conduct midterm evaluation with Stakeholdersx 14. Conduct final evaluationx
LIBERIA 15 Task XIVb: Reviewing Calendar of P erformance Management Tasks Review your own Calendar of Performance Management Tasks/ Create one Review the options for stakeholder involvement Decide what stakeholders you might involve in Performance Management and include them in the Calendar of Performance Management Tasks 15
LIBERIA 16 Session 9. Summary Who are your Stakeholders? What role can they play in Performance Management? Where do they fit into your Calendar of Performance Management Tasks (creating, monitoring, evaluating, using M&E) Blessed are they who know what they are doing, for they shall know whether they have done it. (PMP Self-Assessment Tool Homework) 16