LEADING FOR SUCCESS ORGANIZATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & CEO LIZ LUCAS Soroptimist International of the Americas July 16-17, 2012
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas An organized leader is an effective leader
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Time Management Reduces wasted time Increases your level of effectiveness
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Know Your Work Habits What conditions do I need to work effectively? What time of day am I most productive? What prevents me from being more effective in managing my time?
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Social Media Interruptions The single largest time drain Limit number of times you check voice mail log onto social media sites
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Improving Time Management Skills Schedule intensive thinking projects for the time of day when most alert Avoid long “To Do” lists, create a daily list Prioritize
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Improving Time Management Skills Take care of your mind, body, and spirit Cultivate a positive frame of mind Say ‘no’ to non-essential tasks, consider carefully before taking on additional work
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Improving Time Management Skills Focus on work that provides feelings of fulfillment and effectiveness Delegate with confidence
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Delegation An effective leader relishes the opportunity to delegate Allows for mentorship of emerging leaders
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Successful Delegation Choose the right person for the job Set up a face-to-face meeting Create detailed instructions in writing
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Successful Delegation Clearly describe the task, its purpose, and who else will be involved Provide on-going resources as needed Establish expected standards of performance and set clear deadlines
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Using Calendars Effectively A color-coded calendar works as a visual tool for managing responsibilities Microsoft Outlook meetings feature will automatically add meetings onto the calendar
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Using Effectively Set-up group list of leadership team Remember to include Governor-elect
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Chairing Meetings Preparing a well-organized agenda in advance will lead to a well-organized and well-chaired meeting
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Chairing Meetings Plan agenda carefully – use action verbs Include meeting objectives and desired outcomes Distribute agenda at least five days prior Confirm who will be taking minutes
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Chairing Meetings Begin promptly and stay focused on agenda Actively invite participation Manage new ideas not on agenda Be versed in Robert’s Rules of Order
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Tips for Chairing Meetings Utilize your Parliamentarian End with summary and actions required Announce details of next meeting Send out minutes within five days of meeting Highlight actions taken
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas The general goal of any meeting is that attendees leave feeling they were heard and that the meeting was productive and worth their time.
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas When chairing a meeting, remember: Be prepared Create a welcoming environment Have fun Say ‘thank you’ Celebrate accomplishments
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Spring Conference Submit completed Official Visitors form Review and follow proper protocol Submit a Governor’s Evaluation Form All three forms can be found on the Governor’s webpage:
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Spring Conference And remember, Your Official Visitor is to present the Women’s Opportunity Awards and the Violet Richardson Award
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Focus on Thinking Big! Stay focused on the global view while also addressing the unique issues and concerns of your local region
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Stay Organized! To be a successful and effective Governor: Stay organized Be prepared Delegate with confidence
Governor’s Round Table Organization July 16-17, 2012 Soroptimist International of the Americas Thank You!