RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS WELCOME Creating Responsible Learners: Strategies for Teaching Students to Take Control of Their Education DOE: IS179666
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Today is a review day. We won’t be presenting any new information, but rather providing you an opportunity to review your Portfolio by sharing what you have done and hearing from your colleagues what they have done.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We want you to walk out of here today feeling great about your Portfolio. That you have a clear understanding of what is required, what you need to and what student evidence you need to collect so you can turn it in on November 19 th.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS You have 3 options in turning in your Portfolio. 1.Send it to Joe electronically 2.Come to my classroom D-2 on Nov. 19th from 4:30-7:30 3.Send in to me in school mail here at Jarrett
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you are taking both of the summer classes we presented, you may choose to turn the Portfolios in may turn them both in on Nov. 17 th or Nov. 19 th.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS As we have talked about, we prefer you turning it in electronically. Those Portfolios should be sent to:
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you don’t receive an back from Joe confirming that he has received your Portfolio, him at or call him at Give him at least 24 hours to respond.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you are turning in a hard copy, we encourage you to type it up. The pages of the Portfolio are on Joe’s website… The reviewers have had some issues with hand written Portfolios that were difficult to read. If you have poor handwriting…please type it up!
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS A quick review… Our believe is that there will be a new definition of the “Haves” and the “Have not’s” in the future.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The “Haves” will be those who have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to learn and adapt to the changes they will be experiencing. The “Have not’s,” will be those who don’t.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We identified 20 characteristics of individuals who can take charge of their own lives and learning because they posses the knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed in the ever changing world they live in. We are calling those individuals… “Responsible Learners”
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS In this class we: 1.Looked at 20 characteristics responsible learners possess. 2.Looked at ways to incorporate the teaching of those characteristics into your existing lessons.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The 20 characteristics include: -Knowledge -Skills -Attitudes
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Knowledge… There are things that they must know about the world and about themselves.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Skills… There are certain skills they must possess.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Attitudes… There are specific beliefs they have about themselves and the world around them.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The 20 characteristics are: 1.Understanding how you learn 2.Persistence 3.Organization 4.Study skills 5.Learning partners 6.Learning situations 7.Reflection 8.Problem solving 9.Creativity
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS 10.Critiquing skills 11.Time management 12.Self-regulating 13.Goal setting 14.Planning skills 15.Objectivity 16.Self-motivate 17.Knowing resources 18.Quality products
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS 19.Prioritizing 20.Strengths and weaknesses
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Turn to page #2 in your Portfolios.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We asked you to assess 10 of the 20 characteristics related to your students this school year. Depending upon the age, maturity and subject you are teaching, pick the 10 that thought were most applicable to your student population.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS When we said analysis, we wanted you to look at your students collectively and determine if they possess the characteristic. We want your observations here. NO STUDENT EVIDENCE!
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So it is things you heard your students say and behaviors you saw them exhibit.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Let’s use “persistence” as an example. Since the year started, you saw the following behaviors on part of your students. Did…
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS They give up easily on tasks? They came to you for help without trying to figure things out themselves? They do a good job until the material got difficult? They quit if they didn’t like the material? They didn’t seek out other people to help them?
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS “I had many students give up so quickly on assignments. If they couldn’t understand the concept immediately, they put their work down, raised their hand and just waited for me to come and help them. In most cases the work wasn’t beyond the capabilities, they just had to persist to understand it. My frustration was in the number of student who gave up so easily.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS It was so time consuming as I felt I was providing one-on-one instruction and slowed down my ability to cover all the information I needed to for that day.” They said things to me such as, “It’s too hard.” “I’m not smart enough.” Some even went as far to say, “You didn’t explain it very well.”
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Another example… Leaning partners… When given the opportunity to pick their own partners, did they… -Pick partners who brought out their best or worst behaviors -Pick partners who challenged them -Pick partners who they liked -Pick partners who help them learn
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS What you might write for “learning partners.” “My frustration with letting them pick their own partners for different activities is that they mostly just picked their friends. While understandable, it did not create groups with a variety of student ability levels and lead to more socializing then focusing on the work.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS When I approached my students about why they didn’t pick other students as partners, they made comments such as, “I can’t work with…”I don’t like…” “He or she isn’t very smart.” It became obvious that I needed them to learn to work with people who they may not like. I wanted to share how I have to work with other teaches I don’t like, but didn’t think that was a good idea.”
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS At your tables, we want each person to share one of the characteristics they assessed. Pick one that you thought was good and I’ll come around to your table and read it to the class.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The goal is for you to clearly understand what to write in relationship to assessing the characteristic and student observation you made to support that assessment.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Questions… You should not walk out of here today with any doubt about what you have written or plan to write for question #1.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Turn to page #7 in your Portfolios.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We asked that you revise 5 lessons that you taught this year to include 2-3 of the 20 characteristics. For each lesson you have to include:
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS A.2-3 of the characteristics that you will be incorporating into lesson. B.Describe the changes you made in the lesson C.Criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes you made.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS D.Collection of two pieces of student evidence that reflect the overall impact the changes made in student performance and behavior. Also fill in the captions. E.A detailed evaluation of the actions…did they work, not work, work with some students and not others…make sure you refer to the two pieces of student evidence to support your conclusions.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The characteristics that we wanted you to teach in the revised lessons are the ones that your students need the most to become responsible learners.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We asked for 2-3 actions to be included in each of the 5 lessons. Some of the characteristics are very easy to include together. Goal setting/planning skills Reflection/critiquing skills Learning situations/learning partners Time management/organization
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So in “A” we simply want you to identify the 2-3 skills you are going to teach in the revised lesson.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS In question “B,” we want you to describe the action you are going to take. This is simply stating the action you are now going to include in the lesson to teach the 2-3 characteristics.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We provided examples of activities to include the teaching of each characteristic…
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Reflection: -Provide them a template. Questions What did I do well in this lesson? What do I need to work on based upon my performance in this lesson? What did I learn about myself in this lesson?
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Learning Styles: -Talk about the differences -Talk about how you think and what you do to adapt -Provide examples of things they can do…think how someone else might see the same situation, get help from someone who thinks differently than you, acknowledge you need help
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Strengths and Weaknesses -Talk about it…share yours -Have them write theirs down…you can go over it with them later. -Work on weaknesses, resources and opportunities -Partner…adults we hire things we can’t do…students can seek out others in class who have the skills they lack
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Objectivity: -Talk about data…Student, “I always do a good job when Randy and I work together!” Have them provide evidence…grades from the project they did together. -Seek other’s opinions…Tom Hay -Step back…think how others could view the situation
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Learning Partners: -Talk about it…tell them what it means to be a good group member or partner -Have the students identify who they think they work best with -Have the students identify who they don’t work best with -Talk about how you deal with it when you are put in groups you don’t like.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Prioritize: -Talk about it…what it means -Give them examples of what other students have done -When you give an assignment, have them create a checklist of what needs to be done and in what order…you’ll quickly see who can prioritize and who can’t. -Share how you prioritize
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Self-Motivate: -Choose motivated people to associate to be around -Have goals -Keep those goals in front of you -Have motivating sayings around you -Don’t walk away from lazy people…run
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Study Skills -Show them different techniques for taking notes -Show them how to use graphic organizers -Show them how to create flow charts -Show them how to color code items -Teach them memorization techniques -Study times…shorter the better -Distractions
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Goal Setting -Ask them about their goals related to learning… -Ask them if they have a goal for the grade they want to get in the class -Do they have a goal related something that they want to learn -Do they have a goal related to behavior -Teach them a goal setting model
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Quality Products -Provide students with the specific criteria by which you are going to evaluate their work….checklist. -Provide students with samples of products and ask them to evaluate it based upon the criteria -When they turn in a product, have them also turn in the grade they think they should receive on that product
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Organization: -Give them specific ideas on how to organize themselves -Show pictures of how other organize themselve -Share how you organize 3 ring binder guy.. -Show them how other students in the class organized themselves
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Learning Situation -Give them examples of different learning situations -Have them self-assess and then meet with you to see if you agree -Share the work they’ve done in relationship to different situations -Have them talk with their parents about it…if patterns at home are similar to those at school
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Problem Solving -Talk about problems you have had to solve in life -Give examples of what they are experiencing now -Provide them with problem solving models
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Knowing Resources -Show them the resources available to them at school -Talk about resources they might have at home -Resources at the public library -Teach them how to “search” -Model it
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Self-Regulate: -Get help from your counselors with individual students -Teach them to take deep breaths -Walk away -Provide them alternative responses -Share your strategies -Think of consequences
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Planning Skills: -Talk about the importance of planning -Share how you plan -Provide them with planning models -Show them how to use flow charts
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS “C” asks that you come up with criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the revised lesson you taught. The criteria should be based upon the characteristic…
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you taught the characteristic of organization… The criteria could be:- -How their desks look -Their backpacks -Folders -How their thoughts are more organized as evidenced by the work they turn in
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Self-Regulate: -How they handled frustrations -How they handled disappointments -How they handled change in routines -How they handled distractions -Not being late for class -Coming to class
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Planning: -Outlines of plans they made -Project/papers that reflected good planning -Sharing with you how they will address an assignment or challenge
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS As you can see, the criteria will change based upon the characteristic you are teaching.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS “D” Student evidence You need to collect 2 pieces of student evidence for each lesson. 5 revised lesson times 2 pieces of student evidence per lesson equals a total of 10 pieces of student evidence.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS The student evidence should reflect the overall effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the revised lesson had with your students. We understand that each lesson will not positively all the students in your classroom. But did it positively impact the majority of the students?
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS So if you deemed the revision as effective, provide two positive student samples. If you thought is was ineffective, provide two negative student samples.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Examples… -Pictures of backpacks or desks for “organization” -Work samples that reflect good “organization” of thoughts and idea -A chart reflecting the number of times you had to remind a student to stay on track, “self-regulating.” -Student getting work done. “self- motivating.”
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS “E”… Please send some time and thought into the evaluation of the revised lesson. Remember…if the revisions you made did not impact student performance in relation to the criteria you used, say that!
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS What we are looking for here is an honest assessment of the actions you took. If they worked…great! If they didn’t…that’s okay! Remember that growth and improvement is not always a straight line.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS We are now going to have you break into groups of 4. Each person in the group needs to share one of their revised lessons.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Break again into groups of 4. You can’t have anyone who was in the previous group. Again, share one of your revised lessons. You can share the same lesson or better yet, share a different one so you can get feedback on two of the five lessons you revised.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS You have now heard how 6 different teachers revised their lessons. This gives you both the opportunity to assess the quality of your work in the Portfolio and ideas of actions you can take if you still are looking for what to do.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Question #3. We want you to answer the 4 reflection questions on pages #22 & 23 in your Portfolio. Please take some time with these questions.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS This reflects what you learned in the class and is one part of the Portfolio the reviewer looks at quite closely. It is your time to put down on paper how what you learned in this class and how it will impact your future instruction.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Questions….be sure you don’t leave here today with any doubts about what you need to do for the Portfolio. I will stay as long as necessary to answer any questions you might have.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Again, the Portfolio is due November 19 th. We have to turn in all the grades at one time, so if yours is late, you are holding up the credit for everyone in the class. Since this credit might mean a salary increase for some of you in here, we don’t want anything holding up your raise.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS If you have a problem completing the Portfolio, know that you can use the credit ($185) for any future class we teach. That credit will never expire.
RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS Mahalo for Supporting our Classes!!!!!