Aims of our chat We will talk about the following: Behaviour expectations Behaviour expectations Homework Homework Parent consultations Parent consultations A look at an example timetable A look at an example timetable The Curriculum The Curriculum A few helpful reminders A few helpful reminders
Behaviour Expectations Independence Independence Responsibility for own actions and belongings Responsibility for own actions and belongings Rewards Rewards Praise Praise H.I.P.s H.I.P.s Star cards – house points Star cards – house points Good Choice ‘Marbles’ Good Choice ‘Marbles’ Sanctions Sanctions Verbal warnings Verbal warnings Timeout room Timeout room (Ill or injured children may also use the timeout room) (Ill or injured children may also use the timeout room)
An example timetable MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 0905 to 1005 LiteracyIPCMathsGamesIPC 1005 to 1105 PELiteracy Maths BREAK 1120 to 1220 Maths REMathsLiteracy LUNCH 1330 to 1525 Guided reading 1400 – 1430 French PSHE Assembly 3.00 – 3.25 Guided reading IPC Guided reading IPC Assembly 1.30 – 2.00 IPC Story Assembly 3.00 – 3.25 Assembly 1.30 – 2.00 * Doors open at 8:45 am
Maths The children will be in different groups for Maths. The children will be in different groups for Maths. There is coverage of the different areas of maths each term. There is coverage of the different areas of maths each term. Word Problems and real life situations are included regularly. Word Problems and real life situations are included regularly. Calculation policy on the school website – this outlines the methods taught in school. Calculation policy on the school website – this outlines the methods taught in school.
International Primary Curriculum Units for this Year: Brainstorm Brainstorm Generation Game Generation Game On Tap On Tap Bright Sparks Bright Sparks Invaders and Settlers Invaders and Settlers Rainforests Rainforests Active Planet Active Planet
English/Literacy Reading – We look at a variety of genres/texts. Reading – We look at a variety of genres/texts. Regular guided reading sessions each week. Regular guided reading sessions each week. Reading Record to record regular reading at home. Writing - Units of work develop a range of skills. Writing - Units of work develop a range of skills. Children are taught to edit and improve their work.
Homework Reading at least 3 times a week. Reading at least 3 times a week. Please sign the Reading Record and discuss children’s books with them to ensure understanding. Please sign the Reading Record and discuss children’s books with them to ensure understanding. Practise times tables. Practise times tables. There will be a Spelling Newsletter with rules. There will be a Spelling Newsletter with rules. Homework is set on a weekly basis (30-40 mins). Homework is set on a weekly basis (30-40 mins). This alternates between Maths and another subject. (Eg. One week general, next week Maths). This alternates between Maths and another subject. (Eg. One week general, next week Maths). Homework is to be handed in a week after it is set. Homework is to be handed in a week after it is set. If a child gets all homework in on time they receive a Homework Certificate at the end of each term. If a child gets all homework in on time they receive a Homework Certificate at the end of each term. Starz – ask the children to tell you about this as the year progresses. Starz – ask the children to tell you about this as the year progresses.
Parent Consultations Consultations are scheduled for: Consultations are scheduled for: Autumn Term – week beginning 4 th and 11 th Nov Autumn Term – week beginning 4 th and 11 th Nov Spring Term - TBA Spring Term - TBA To get an appointment, sign up on the list in the hall – date to be arranged. To get an appointment, sign up on the list in the hall – date to be arranged. Meetings at other times. Meetings at other times.
EVENTS We will invite you to a number of open days throughout the year for you to come and look at your child’s work. We will invite you to a number of open days throughout the year for you to come and look at your child’s work. Dates for your diary – 11 th and 13 th December Year 4 performance Dates for your diary – 11 th and 13 th December Year 4 performance
A few helpful reminders Curriculum outline sent home termly Curriculum outline sent home termly School website - School website - The Newsletter is published every Friday (copy on website and parent mail). The Newsletter is published every Friday (copy on website and parent mail). PE kit should be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. PE kit should be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. All items of clothing need labelling. All items of clothing need labelling. PE T-shirts should be in the correct house colour. PE T-shirts should be in the correct house colour. Hair tied back for PE and out of the eyes for learning in classroom. Hair tied back for PE and out of the eyes for learning in classroom. Water bottles need to be labelled and kept water tight. Water bottles need to be labelled and kept water tight. No jewellery / nail varnish / transfer tattoos No jewellery / nail varnish / transfer tattoos Recorders Recorders Own handwriting pen welcomed (no Biro, must be black) Own handwriting pen welcomed (no Biro, must be black)
Sensible sized school bags please. Sensible sized school bags please. If your child is not well enough for school, please ring office that morning to inform us. If your child is not well enough for school, please ring office that morning to inform us. If you are delayed at the end of the day, please let the office know. If you are delayed at the end of the day, please let the office know. Fruit tuck shop is on most Fridays - 20p. Fruit tuck shop is on most Fridays - 20p. Bikes/scooters – spaces are first come, first served. Bikes can be left against the fence. All bikes must be locked. (Year 3/4 Bike shed is on the left as you come in.) Bikes/scooters – spaces are first come, first served. Bikes can be left against the fence. All bikes must be locked. (Year 3/4 Bike shed is on the left as you come in.) Please drop off / pick up children away from the school drive to keep the entrance safe. Please drop off / pick up children away from the school drive to keep the entrance safe. Bed times! Bed times! A few helpful reminders
A DBS check needs to be completed by the Office. A DBS check needs to be completed by the Office. Adult helpers can: hear readers, assist with handwriting, come on school trips, help in the allotment and many other things too! Adult helpers can: hear readers, assist with handwriting, come on school trips, help in the allotment and many other things too! Consider helping in a class other than your child’s. Consider helping in a class other than your child’s. Adult helpers
We look forward to working with you over the coming year.