Authentic Leadership Visionary Leadership Cultural Leadership Quality Leadership Service Leadership Emotional Leadership Moral Leadership Motivational Leadership
Authentic leadership means to want to be free and true, and to take unconditional responsibility for oneself. Face everything and avoid nothing.
I vow to put my ego to death! To sacrifice my own peace of mind, comfort, and even security To always live my life towards something greater than myself To serve my community and beyond
Visionary Leadership, to me, means to have an ordinary person positioned at the top level at an extraordinary time to envision and create an environment of positive results.
Be positive and publically honest about my faith in God, which drives my perseverance Help employees see into the future, provide a plan that promotes everyone’s opportunity NEVER accept status quo in myself or others
Cultural Leadership means to have a compassionate understanding of different worldviews, languages, and customs in our globally modern business enviornment.
Promote diversity in the workplace through interactive sessions Create an environment of trust between co workers to break down cultural barriers Promote a mutual understanding of religions and customs
My quality leadership pillar stands upon a firm foundation of accessing results and setting a measurable account for myself
Provide measurable results of my performance Maintain validity and reliability Continually invest in my education to increase performance and quality of work Encourage others to continually improve in their competency areas Create and maintain new competencies
Today, we have politicians treated as royalty. Servant leadership (public service) means to actually serve others through the humbling of oneself. As it was put in 5 th Century BC by Chanakya: “the [leader] shall consider as good, not what pleases himself but what pleases his subjects [followers]”
Not be afraid to get dirty Always put the interests of my employees, my corporation and its goals ahead of my own Personally speak to every employee, in every department, on every level
Emotional leadership means being able to understand employees on an informal level – to connect personally to help create an enviornment of empathy that protects feelings
Be both professional yet caring at the same time Connect with employees on a level which makes them comfortable Not cross the line that mixes work and pleasure
Moral leadership means to have a good sense of right and wrong; good vs. evil. A foundation needs to be set in stone which becomes the strongest pillar. A moral compass guides self and company to always do the right thing.
Acknowledge the presence of God through my work while being respectful to subordinate beliefs Guide myself to make morally sound decisions that are not only good for company but for the world abroad Emotionally connect at a higher level with employees
Motivational Leadership means to push employees to be their best selves. By letting employees “level out” instead of moving forward, they become less invested in the company. When employees invest in themselves, they invest their competencies and their best efforts in the company
Push employees to continue educational work and acquire certifications Help market employees for upward positions Be supportive of employees’ possible decision to leave company in order to pursue their career path
I have areas of competency I need to improve upon to achieve my leadership outcome: Public Speaking Conflict Resolution Micro Management
I will use my “individualization” strength from my Strength Finder to improve this skill. I will attempt to get to know my audience better so that in my mind, I am speaking to each person individually (because I care) then to a mass of people.
I will use my “Restorative” strength to improve my ability to resolve conflicts. Law Enforcement isn’t simply putting people in jail. It is important for me to find root problems and genuinely assist a person towards a brighter path.
It is important in the world of law enforcement to micro manage to an extent. I will use my “responsibility” strength to take responsibility for every task. I will hold myself accountable so that every item is checked off and complete.
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke We cannot stand idly by as our future and our children’s future is devoured in fear.
“…we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.” – Ronald Reagan It is important to not only have pride in your organization, but in your country – The freedom to run and operate a business is not granted in every country. And sometimes it is about risks we must take…
“Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.” – General Patton WW2 A little rough, but speaks volumes about the things we don’t like to do. Its exhilarating to overcome our obstacles!