WELCOME WASHINGTON STATE FELLOWS! September 22, 2015 Jessica Vavrus, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, OSPI Cindy Duncan, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, ESD171
GOALS FOR TODAY Welcome and Celebration of Washington State Fellows Orientation, background and purpose of the Washington State Fellows Network for School Year
WA STATE FELLOWS Representing English Language Arts, Math and Science Washington Fellows are one of the largest state sponsored cadre of teacher leaders in the United States WA Fellows represent 188 school districts Educating over 1 million public school children Please type questions into the chat box– we will be answering questions via this week!
WE ARE GROWING! Growth of ELA, Math and Science Fellows Network: Content Area # of Fellows# of Districts# of Fellows# of Districts# of Fellows# of Districts ELA Math Science n/a Totals
THE OSPI/AESD PARTNERSHIP OSPI/AESD Partnership’s Coordinated Services Agreement (CSA) Preamble: …it is OSPI’s and the AESD’s collective purpose to work together to support quality instruction and learning for ALL students, every day, and in every classroom. Now is the time to provide an aligned system of support and assistance to schools and districts that will stretch leadership responsibilities between and among OSPI and the ESDs for the greatest statewide impact on student achievement for all of Washington’s students. Quality instruction and support for ALL students can best occur by continuing to learn from each other, as well as by developing and providing leadership and system—level solutions for capacity-building and sustainability together.
THE FELLOWS MISSION The Fellows, teacher leaders who support district implementation efforts, are a crucial part of larger systemic statewide CCSS/NGSS implementation efforts. The Fellows work in harmony with state, district, regional, and local structures to build coherent and effective implementation of the CCSS/NGSS, which will result in student growth in each district in Washington State. Each region has a cadre of leaders who share in common specialized content learning along with the other regions from across the state. Fellows work in their schools to deepen core understandings of engaging instructional practices and leadership strategies for professional development.
EXPECTATIONS Fellows and District Commitments: Collaborate throughout the year with district leadership and/or school principal to discuss, create and document the ongoing District Fellow Plan. Implement learning from the Fellows meetings within your own instructional practice and in supporting teachers in Washington State Learning Standards (CCSS or NGSS) implementation. Submit completed District Fellow Plan to your Regional Coordinator at the end of the year. English Language Arts and Mathematics: Attend and participate in a minimum of four regional Fellows convenings Science: Attend and participate in at least one of two, 2-day statewide professional learning events; and attend and participate in two, 1-day regional convenings
OUTCOMES Ongoing Professional Development Learning together Exploring new and up-and-coming resources Building skills around best resources for your context Build Leadership Capacity in School, Districts and Among Colleagues Intentional focus on instructional leadership Increase evidence of implementation and professional development in support of WSLS at regional, district and state levels Leadership in the Extended Community Providing feedback to the state-wide system Supporting collegial capacity for all of Washington’s schools !
CONTENT FOCUS ELA The ELA fellows will grow their instructional practice in the area of writing, specifically with drawing evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis and reflection. Math The Math fellows will work on supporting productive struggle in learning mathematics and facilitating meaningful mathematical discourse. Science The science fellows will work to develop a vision of what 3-dimensional teaching and learning looks like in their building/districts.
INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Our work will be anchored in the Fundamentals of Learning by Margaret Heritage and the WestEd Team. Making Meaning Thinking critically, creatively and meta-cognitively Connecting Prior Knowledge to New Learning Using language, symbols and texts Participating and Learning Engaging with Others in Learning Communication Ideas, Feelings, and Perspectives Relating to Other People’s Ideas, Feelings and Experiences Managing Learning Taking personal responsibility for learning Adapting learning tactics Persevering with challenges
ACTION PLAN The Action Plan will be finalized and ready to launch at your first Fellows Convening with your Regional Coordinator