WMO Planning for the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase: Introduction Dr S. Barrell, Chair, ICG-WIGOS Cg-17 (Side event)
A framework for integrating WMO observing systems and contributions to co-sponsored observing systems … for planning, operating and delivering observations to meet user needs, to enable more efficient and effective service delivery. WIGOS includes observing components of: Global Observing System (WWW/GOS) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) WMO Hydrological Observing Systems (WHOS) Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Including Surface-based and space-based components WMO, co-sponsors and partners What is WIGOS?
World Weather Watch GOS GDPFS GTS WIGOS GCW GAW WHOS WIS GCOS Partners Co-sponsors WIGOS: A (future) observing framework for WMO
WIGOS Timeline WIGOS Concept WIGOS Operational WIGOS Framework CONGRESS 16 CONGRESS 18CONGRESS 17 WIGOS STRATEGIC PRIORITYICG-WIGOSCONGRESS 18 Technical Commissions, under leadership of CBS and CIMO In collaboration with Regional Associations WIGOS Pre-operational Phase
Looking Back: WIGOS Implementation Phase Cg-XVI (2011) WIGOS to be implemented in the financial period Oversight delegated to EC, who established ICG-WIGOS to guide the implementation Approach taken by ICG-WIGOS, given the Cg-XVI decision and the available resources: Focus on implementation of the WIGOS Framework Delivery of priority elements of the WIGOS framework by Cg-XVII WIGOS Regulatory Material (Phase 1) (OK) WIGOS Metadata Standard (OK) WIGOS Information Resource (WIR) (Partly) Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans (OK)
WIGOS Framework At its simplest, the WIGOS framework is about: Documenting and implementing standard and recommended practices and procedures in making and sharing observations, Coordination and collaboration for efficiency and effectiveness, Integration and interoperability in all senses, Timely delivery of observations that meet user needs in a way they can use them, Empowering and extending the reach of NMHSs, reinforcing their leadership and building partnerships with contributors & users of observations, Delivering value through sharing, management and use of observations
Why a WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (1)? Successful completion of WIGOS implementation phase does not mean the job is done – much more to do! WIGOS is essential WMO infrastructure enabling Members to serve their national mandate; It requires a long-term commitment at all levels Global Observing System is over 50 years old but still not complete! Staged approach, starting with the building blocks of the WIGOS framework Develop regulatory material, metadata standard, WIR Now focus more on national WIGOS implementation, with regional support Need to develop a culture of compliance with regulatory material Key to role of NMHS as national authority & owner of WMO 'brand'
Working together to deliver WIGOS
Why a WIGOS Pre-operational Phase (2)? WIGOS enables and encourages data from many diverse partners to benefit WMO programmes Key to success for GAW, GCW, JCOMM especially Extend network coverage and enhance NMHS leadership in monitoring through WIGOS Supported by WIGOS Metadata Standard, station IDs, WIS, etc Data challenges NMHS-wide, starting with observations, eg Data quality and potential constraints on data use and distribution Lifecycle management of data eg. for long-term value, accessibility Increasing volume, diversity, immediacy Members need practical guidance, eg. best practices for management, archiving and data agreements with partners. WIGOS, with CBS, CCl and others, can develop and promulgate
To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations Management of WIGOS Implementation / operation Collaboration with co- sponsors and partners Communications and outreach Quality Management Standardization, interoperability & compatibility Operational Information Resource Capacity Development Design, planning and optimised evolution Data discovery, delivery & archival Observing system operation & maintenance WIGOS Framework: Key activity areas
WIGOS Framework is the foundation WMO priorities DRRPolarAviation WIGOS framework WIR QMCDDesignMgmtPartner Operate CommsStandardsData CD
Next step: WIGOS Pre-operational Phase Regulatory & Guidance Material WIGOS Information Resource (WIR) Data quality monitoring system Regional WIGOS Centers National implementation WMO priorities DRRGFCSPolarAviation WIGOS framework WIGOS Pre-operational Phase
Plan for WIGOS Pre-operational Phase Objective of the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase To build on and strengthen the WIGOS framework to deliver a fully operational WIGOS in 2020; To place increased emphasis on regional and national activities. In the Pre-Operational Phase, WIGOS will take the next steps toward maturity Five priority areas: 1.WIGOS Regulatory and Guidance Material 2.WIGOS Information Resource 3.WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System 4.Regional WIGOS Centers 5.National WIGOS implementation
1. WIGOS Regulatory and Guidance Material Finalisation & implementation of WIGOS Manual & Guides Tiered approach through Manual and Guides From aspects common to all WIGOS components, To aspects specific to individual components (eg GAW) Phasing out specific manuals (eg Manual to the GOS) The "Guide to WIGOS" will include, as priority, material on: WIR including OSCAR/Surface WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (also data availability) WIGOS Regional Centres – roles, establishment, review, etc Developing national partnerships - with public & private entities Developing a National Observing Strategy Design, procurement & operation of observing networks, esp. AWS Integration of space-based observations ……. And much more 14
2. WIGOS Information Resource Foundation aspects: Completion and implementation OSCAR/space, OSCAR/requirements, Gap Analysis SORT and Portal Priority focus on OSCAR/Surface Modern, electronic, searchable inventory of all observing assets (stations/platforms) under the WIGOS umbrella Developed jointly by WMO & MeteoSwiss, with MeteoSwiss providing majority funding Available in prototype at Cg-17 Will replace Volume A and will include information from similar inventories for other (non-GOS) components of WIGOS Education and training Members in populating, editing and using OSCAR/Surface is a major focus area for Requires full implementation of WIGOS Metadata standard & WIGOS station identifiers 15
16 Screenshot from OSCAR/Surface beta-test version oscar.wmo.int/surface OSCAR Side event Wed 27 May 5.45pm
3. WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) Objective: To monitor regional & national performance of all WIGOS components and to analyse trends over time Real-time performance monitoring of all WIGOS components, to station-level: data availability and data quality searchable by region, country, station type, period, updated regularly (e.g. GOS every 6 hours) Pilot project with ECMWF and NCEP underway Delayed-mode monitoring of data quality measured against reference sources of information Fault management system for tracking and mitigation of performance issues Important role of Regional WIGOS Centers 17
4. Regional WIGOS Centers (RWC) Objective: To provide a regional structure to monitor, coordinate and support WIGOS implementation activities in the Region (or sub-region) Delivered through one or more designated entities In coordination with WIGOS Project Office Proposed mandatory functions include: Work with data providers to facilitate WIGOS data and metadata collection and transmission Regional monitoring of WIGOS networks (data quality & availability) Fault management eg follow-up with data providers Proposed other functions include: Regional network design, incl. cross-border projects & data sharing Regional coordination of WIGOS activities and projects Training, including coordinated with WIS 19
5. National Implementation, Coordination & Governance Mechanisms The leadership role of NMHSs in integrated observing systems is central to the success of WIGOS implementation. The development and promulgation of practical tools, templates, guidance and case studies will help Members: to develop their national WIGOS plans, to establish appropriate governance and coordination systems, to achieve compliance with regulatory material -> key to their mandate and leadership to build the relationships and partnerships that will help expand and share their national and regional observations to meet needs across relevant disciplines and communities, and to implement quality monitoring and modern data management practices to ensure they extract full value from their national observing systems. 20
WIGOS: Delivering integrated, comprehensive and coordinated observations to meet priority needs of users Regulatory & Guidance Material WIGOS Information Resource (WIR) Data quality monitoring system Regional WIGOS Centers National implementation WMO priorities DRRGFCSPolarAviation WIGOS framework WIGOS Pre-operational Phase
Conclusions WIGOS to be implemented by Cg18 But achieving full operation and compliance will be ongoing WIGOS, with its strong and evolving foundation, will: Enable WMO to assist and guide Members, in context of all WMO priorities (DRR, GFCS, etc) Enable RAs to support and evolve observing and service capacities with their region Empower Members to design, evolve and sustain integrated observing systems that meet national needs; and To reinforce their national mandate and leadership, under WIGOS, WIS and WMO banners
int Thank you 23