God’s Wisdom—The Family Rom. 12:9-16
9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. 10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; 11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; 13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion. Rom. 12:9-16
Place of families on the Bible
Adam and Eve
Place of families on the Bible Adam and Eve Abraham and Isaac’s bride
Place of families on the Bible Adam and Eve Abraham and Isaac’s bride Joseph providing for his brethren
Place of families on the Bible Adam and Eve Abraham and Isaac’s bride Joseph providing for his brethren Solomon’s writing to “my son”
Place of families on the Bible Adam and Eve Abraham and Isaac’s bride Joseph providing for his brethren Solomon’s writing to “my son” Prodigal son, father and older brother
Place of families on the Bible Adam and Eve Abraham and Isaac’s bride Joseph providing for his brethren Solomon’s writing to “my son” Prodigal son, father and older brother Timothy, his parents and background
The family needs of all men
Preparation for birth
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise Time which shows one’s importance
The family needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise Time which shows one’s importance Help as we get older and more feeble
The church needs of all men
Preparation for birth
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise Time which shows one’s importance
The church needs of all men Preparation for birth Nurturing from the beginning Fourfold growth like Jesus had Acceptance Companionship Family “friends,” who are truly friends Sharing in problems Encouragement and praise Time which shows one’s importance Help as we get older and more feeble
The “One Another” verses
Members of one another--Rom. 12:5 Kindly affectionate to one another--Rom. 12:10 Giving preference to one another—Rom. 12:10 Have same mind toward one another--Rom. 12:16 Like minded toward one another--Rom. 15:5
The “One Another” verses Members of one another--Rom. 12:5 Kindly affectionate to one another--Rom. 12:10 Giving preference to one another—Rom. 12:10 Have same mind toward one another--Rom. 12:16 Like minded toward one another--Rom. 15:5 Receive one another--Rom. 15:7 Admonish one another--Rom. 15:14 Greet one another with holy kiss--Rom. 16:16 Eat Lord’s supper, wait for one another--1 Cor. 11:33 Care for one another--1 Cor. 12:25
The “One Another” verses Members of one another--Rom. 12:5 Kindly affectionate to one another--Rom. 12:10 Giving preference to one another—Rom. 12:10 Have same mind toward one another--Rom. 12:16 Like minded toward one another--Rom. 15:5 Receive one another--Rom. 15:7 Admonish one another--Rom. 15:14 Greet one another with holy kiss--Rom. 16:16 Eat Lord’s supper, wait for one another--1 Cor. 11:33 Care for one another--1 Cor. 12:25 Serve one another through love--Gal. 5:13 Bear one another’s burden--Gal. 6:2 Bearing with one another--Eph. 4:2 Be kind to one another--Eph. 4:32
The “One Another” verses Forgiving one another--Eph. 4:32 Speaking to one another in song--Eph. 5:19 Submitting to one another--Eph. 5:21 Bearing with one another--Col. 3:13 Teaching/admonishing one another in song--Col. 3:16
The “One Another” verses Forgiving one another--Eph. 4:32 Speaking to one another in song--Eph. 5:19 Submitting to one another--Eph. 5:21 Bearing with one another--Col. 3:13 Teaching/admonishing one another in song--Col. 3:16 Abound in love to one another--1Thess. 3:12 Comfort one another--1 Thess. 4:18 Edify one another--1 Thess. 5:11 Exhort one another daily--Heb. 3:13 Consider another--Heb. 10:24
The “One Another” verses Forgiving one another--Eph. 4:32 Speaking to one another in song--Eph. 5:19 Submitting to one another--Eph. 5:21 Bearing with one another--Col. 3:13 Teaching/admonishing one another in song--Col. 3:16 Abound in love to one another--1Thess. 3:12 Comfort one another--1 Thess. 4:18 Edify one another--1 Thess. 5:11 Exhort one another daily--Heb. 3:13 Consider another--Heb. 10:24 Pray for one another--James 5:16 Love one another with a pure heart--1 Pet. 1:22 Have compassion for one another--1 Pet. 3;8 Have fervent love for one another--1 Pet. 4:8
The “One Another” verses Be hospital to one another--1 Pet. 4:5 Minister to one another--1 Pet. 4:10 Be submissive to one another in humility--1 Pet. 5:5 Have fellowship with one another--1 John 1:7
The “One Another” verses Be hospital to one another--1 Pet. 4:5 Minister to one another--1 Pet. 4:10 Be submissive to one another in humility--1 Pet. 5:5 Have fellowship with one another--1 John 1:7 Love another--John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17; 1 Thess. 3:12; 4:9; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 Pet. 4*;8; 1 John 3:23; 4:7, 11; 12, 2 John 1:5
Becoming Part of His Family
Must have faithJohn 8:24
Becoming Part of His Family Must have faithJohn 8:24 Must repentActs 17:30
Becoming Part of His Family Must have faithJohn 8:24 Must repentActs 17:30 Must confessRom. 10:9
Becoming Part of His Family Must have faithJohn 8:24 Must repentActs 17:30 Must confessRom. 10:9 Must be baptizedActs 2:38
Becoming Part of His Family Must have faithJohn 8:24 Must repentActs 17:30 Must confessRom. 10:9 Must be baptizedActs 2:38 Added to His family, the church
Becoming Part of His Family Must have faithJohn 8:24 Must repentActs 17:30 Must confessRom. 10:9 Must be baptizedActs 2:38 Added to His family, the church Then live faithfully Rev. 2:10