Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 1 Sun-Solar System Connection MO&DA Program “Status of Present Assests, Future Plans” Charles P. Holmes Earth-Sun Systems Division Science Missions Directorate September 15, 2005
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 2 Topics l Current status of S 3 C missions l Recovery from FY-06 President’s budget l 2005 S 3 C Senior Review l The S 3 C Great Observatory l ROSES announcements l CCMC workshop
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 3 Status Summary for 13 S 3 C Operating Missions
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 4 Recovery of the S 3 C MO&DA budget l The President’s budgets for FY-05 and FY-06 removed ~$200M from the S 3 C MO&DA budget for the span of FY-06 to FY-10. l At one point we were facing the terminations of FAST, Geotail, Polar, TRACE, Voyager, Ulysses, and Wind starting in early n TIMED and Cluster were threatened in n We ‘postponed’ the ROSES 2005 solicitation for the Guest Investigator Program and the Virtual Observatory Development program. l The build for the FY-07 President’s Budget is offering ~$70M in restoration to the MO&DA program; most of which is in FY-06, 07, & 08. n The ‘restoration’ is ‘pre-decisional’. n Enables restoring the mission lines for the “Magnificent 7”. n Plugs the holes in TIMED and Cluster. n We can proceed with the VxO solicitation. n We will wait for ROSES 2006 for the next GIP offer. l Contributing factors to the ‘restoration’: n The ‘Great Observatory’ as strategic element in the Roadmap. n The popular appeal of Voyager. n The recognition that the NASA science program was out of balance. n Business-like behavior displayed by the S 3 C community.
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 5 Currently projected S 3 C MO&DA program
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 6 The 2005 Senior Review for the S 3 C Missions l The next Senior Review for the S3C missions will be held during the week of November 14, n The review will cover the period FY-07 to FY-10. l There are still substantial changes to the program's profile. n In 2006 there will be six new SEC operating missions in prime phase: STEREO, Solar B, THEMIS, AIM, CINDI, and TWINS. n In 2008 we will launch SDO and IBEX. n We have a new roadmap incorporates the Vision for Exploration. l There will be three panels this year: n The ‘Senior’ science panel n An E/PO panel n A special ‘data availability and accessibility’ panel u This will be a ‘virtual’ panel with results submitted to the science panel
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 7 The S 3 C Great Observa- tory
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 8 From the S 3 C Science & Technology Roadmap The Great Observatory will continue to evolve as new spacecraft join and older ones retire or change their operating modes. Missions both in their prime phase and in extended phases (supported by MO&DA) provide the variety of observation posts needed to study the Sun-Solar System Connections, as demonstrated by the 2003 Halloween Storms. A great strength of the Great Observatory fleet is that it is regularly evaluated and reviewed by the community to maximize the return on the agency investments. The Senior Review process determines which spacecraft are most necessary to meet the needs of the Sun-Solar System Connection program as defined by the community developed Roadmap document. The criteria for continuation include relevance to the goals of the S 3 C; impact of scientific results as evidenced by citations, press releases, etc.; spacecraft and instrument health; productivity and vitality of the science team (e.g., publishable research, training younger scientists, education and public outreach); promise of future impact and productivity (due to uniqueness of orbit and location, solar cycle phase, etc.); and broad accessibility and usability of the data.
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 9 The VxO solicitation l Amendment 23 to the ROSES 2005 announced for S 3 C data services: Appendix 29: “Virtual Observatories for Solar and Space Physics Data” n VxOs - initiate new VxO activities; augment/sustain existing activities. n ‘Small’ data grants to assist holders of NASA data stores [instrument and mission sites] to upgrade to meet VxO interface. n A draft of this solicitation was published with the initial ROSES n The technical supplement to this solicitation are the presentations at the 2004 Virtual Observatory Workshop. l We plan to continue with a new solicitation in ROSES 2006 n Solicit for new VxOs. n but adjust the ‘small’ data grants portion to promoting precursers for resident archives. n We are in consultation with the S 3 C Data and Computing WG on the nature and the “rules” for resident archives.
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 10 Backup
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 11 The Five Elements of the SEC MO&DA Program 1.MO&DA for currently operating missions 2.MO&DA for missions under development 3.Guest Investigator Program 4.SEC Data and Modeling Services n SDAC and VSO, n SECAA (e.g. CDAWeb, OMNIWeb, etc.), n CCMC n New VxOs 5.Multimission Operations Project at GSFC n Concentrates on control center functions and flight dynamics n Sustain operations infrastructure n Promote new operations tools and architectures n Supports all OSS operations at GSFC
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 12 Missions in Development
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 13 S 3 C Data Accessibility Survey l A database and interface has been developed at GSFC in (Perry, King, Sibeck) n Some descriptive material captured into S 3 CDAS from prior SECDAC database (McGuire, et al). Other material captured from other sources. n Structure, fields, etc., now in review. l Information content needs to be reviewed and updated by missions and their PIs. n Expect request from Chuck to the missions for this review and update. l Results to be shared with Senior Review Panel prior to their meeting in November l Sun Solar System Connection Data Accessibility Survey l Objectives: 1. To survey the data being made publicly accessible by current and recent S 3 C missions and their PIs. 2. To enable review data accessibility and the extent to which those data match their science potential. 3. To enable review of the extent to which data and supporting material is available or is being prepared for long term independent usability.
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 14 The Guest Investigator Program l Due to the overall budget situation that we were facing in the Spring, we “postponed” the ROSES 2005 solicitation for the GIP. n This represented $4.1M in new awards FY-06. n We will not re-establish this program. n 2nd and 3rd year renewals from ROSS 2004 & 2003 will be funded in FY-06. l The ROSES 2006 [Jan/Feb 2006] will advertise for $4.5M in new awards starting in FY-07.
Sun-Solar System Connections MO&DA Program - September 15, Page 15 CCMC Workshop l Biennial event l In Clearwater Beach, FL, October 11-14, 2005 l Purpose: CCMC activity planning l Brings together: n Users n Model owners n Space weather operators n Stakeholder agencies l Agenda items: n Frameworks and data infrastructure n Collaboration with model owners n Metrics and validation n Operations and education support n Science user needs and requirements