Transitioning to High School 101 August 11 th, 12 th, and 13 th Student Services Go Eagles! W. G. Enloe High School Eagles Flight School
Counselor and Administrative Assignments Enloe 101 ◦ Parents and Students transitioning to High School ◦ SOAR ◦ Attendance ◦ Promotion/Graduation ◦ Important Dates GPA Game
Ms. Toria Greene A-Da Ms. Valorie Hallenbeck Je-Moq Mr. Stefon Lowman Mor-Sc Counselors: Ms. Alicia Kirkpatrick Sch-Z Mrs. Patty Miller, Dean of Students Mr. Chuck Small De-Ja
Ms. Brandy Lyons, Student Assistance Program Counselor blyons Mr. Brandon Clowers, School Social Worker bclowers Ms. Sharon Manning, Career Development Coordinator smanning1 Ms. Kelley Schroeder, Literacy Coach kschroeder Ms. Nancy McMillan School Nurse nmcmillan Ms. Nancy Stewart, Registrar nstewart Ms. Ina Nyko, School Psychologist inyko Ms. Debbie Fluke Guidance Tech dfluke Ms. Sarah Coombs, Intervention Coordinator scoombs Ms. Ginny Honkomp Data Manager vhonkomp
is the easiest and fastest way to contact your counselor. When appropriate, parents should help their student communicate directly with his/her counselor Come to Student Services and complete a blue appointment request form before/after school and during lunch Call and leave a message
Scott Lyons: Principal Becky Foote: Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction (API) Tiffany Scott: Assistant Principal (A-D) Monica Sawyer: Assistant Principal (E-J) Jose Espinal: Assistant Principal (K-O) Joshua Mallory: Assistant Principal (P-S) TBA: Assistant Principal (T-Z)
Get involved! Students (clubs, sports, arts, etc.) and parents (PTSA, Arts Guild, Sports Boosters) Know how to contact teachers and counselors ( s on Enloe website under ‘Staff’) Keep your counselor informed Have fun!
Home Base Websites: Enloe ( ◦ Student Services ( FB Remind 101: Text to or
Open House: August 20 th 6:00- 8:30 pm College Panel – Sept. 8 th 5:30-8:00 WCPSS calendar (interim reports and report cards) Enloe’s website has multiple calendars
Studious On Time-attend/On Time Accountable Respectful
Two days to turn in notes Extended Illnesses Educational opportunities Attendance letters Automated calls 85% for sports eligibility
English I Two credits out of Math, Science, or Social Studies One additional credit Total: 4 Credits Get Fresh! Get Promoted!
Students must pass 75% of their courses to obtain and maintain a driver’s license. (5 out of 7 courses) OR
All incoming freshmen are eligible for athletics during the fall semester of their freshman year. BUT After the first semester of freshman year, students are only eligible if they: 1) Passed 5 of 7 classes during the semester previous to the sport they wish to play, 2) Had a minimum 1.5 GPA (or 2.0 in the previous semester), and 3) Attended school at least 85% of the days in the past semester.
TOTAL = 22 credits to graduate from Enloe High School!
Not required for graduation, but a MINIMUM of 2 credits are required for admission to UNC system schools.
Habits take time to form: parents can help enforce the use of the agenda and help them learn healthy study skills (set time and place for homework each night) Tip: In the beginning, check your child’s agenda each night to be sure they are using it and are prepared for all of their classes the next day.
The following courses have an EOC: ◦ Common Core Math I, Biology, English II ◦ These count as 25% of the final course grade! All other classes, including CTEs, have a final exam that is worth 20% of the final course grade. (There are also mid-terms in all classes.)
College Admission Offices pay careful attention to the following: ◦ Grade Point Average (GPA) ◦ Rigor of course load ◦ SAT/ACT scores ◦ Class rank ◦ High school and community activities ◦ Recommendations IT’S VERY IMPORTANT TO START PLANNING IN 9 TH GRADE IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY!!! Please visit or for high school planning timelines.
To calculate GPA, divide the total number of grade points* earned by the total number of letter graded units undertaken. Letter GradeAP Course Quality Points Honors Course Quality Pts. Reg/Academic Course Quality Pts. A54.54 B43.53 C32.52 D21.51 F000 * This chart applies only to new 9 th -graders in
GPA: 17 /7 = 2.43GPA: 26/7 = 3.71 Example 1: English 1B - 3 Math 1C - 2 World HistoryD - 1 Earth ScienceC - 2 Healthful LivingA - 4 Elective 1B - 3 Elective 2C Example 1: English 1B - 3 Math 1A - 4 World HistoryA - 4 Earth ScienceB - 3 Healthful LivingA - 4 Elective 1A - 4 Elective 2A – 4 26
GPA: 26 /7 = 3.71GPA: 27.5/7 = 3.93 Example 1: English 1B - 3 Math 1A - 4 World HistoryA - 4 Earth ScienceB - 3 Healthful LivingA - 4 Elective 1A - 4 Elective 2A – 4 26 Example 1: (H) English 1B – 3.5 Math 1A - 4 (H) World HistoryA – 4.5 (H) Earth ScienceB – 3.5 Healthful LivingA - 4 Elective 1A - 4 Elective 2A – 4