We are sorry that we have said thank you and put you in a box and stored you on the shelf ready for the big event Forgive us for keeping you gift.


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Presentation transcript:

We are sorry that we have said thank you and put you in a box and stored you on the shelf ready for the big event Forgive us for keeping you gift wrapped for special occasions

We are sorry that we have turned our backs on the places and people that you are changing Forgive us for believing we can keep the lid on your box and failing to trust that you can transform our world

We are sorry that we have closed our eyes and ears to your presence in our world Forgive us for not noticing that the box is empty and that you are alive and living in our world

We are sorry that there are parts of the map we don’t want to visit – the terra periculosa – dangerous land. Forgive us for failing to walk new paths or cross over to the other side of the street.

Thank you that you forgive our limitations and the limits we put on others, May we lift the lid on your love, open our eyes and ears to your voice and walk new paths, Amen

John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I will pour out my Spirit on all people - your sons and daughters will prophesy. The Jewish believers were amazed that the Holy Spirit had been poured out on Gentiles too. God is Here His Spirit is with us

So we join the song of heaven, saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty Heaven and earth are full of your glory Hosanna in the highest

This Spirit is poured out on all flesh and testifies with our spirit that: Christ has died Christ is risen Christ will come again

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your people, kindle in us the fire of your love

Let the Holy Spirit come upon you to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, in Ealing and Acton, in Greenford and Holland, in …….even to the ends of the world. …. Amen