My Travel Bucket List Avery Prater
Iguacu Falls Iguacu Falls is the largest water fall with consistent volcano eruptions. It is surrounded by a tropical rainforest with plants, wildlife, and alumina.
Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is a attraction in Paris for visitors around the world. It consists of 18,000 pieces of iron 2.5 million iron rivets, and it took two year to build it back in It stood about 1000 feet high in structure.
Queen Victoria She was born on 1819 of May 24. She died an Queen of London, England her name was Alexandia. She was the Queen of Great Britain. She was the only child of Geovse. I would love to visit and explore her home.
Kingston It was founded in 1692, and it’s a place for survivors. It is the largest city of the island with business and resorts, cultural education museums, and night life and gardens in the carbineers. I would love to visit the Marley Museum and eat the food there.
Palm Beach It has a lot of attractions a lake trail, paramount theater, a zoo, and a park. It was established as an resort by Henry Morrison Flagler. At Poincrand Hotel I would like to visit and explore the restaurant in Florida.