LIGHT (Ch. 16) “Many hands make light work”
What makes light work? Maxwell's Equations J.C. Maxwell 4 Equations Explain all of E- Mag Survived since before Einstein
What is light? Light is... … electromagnetic waves Diffraction Interference – Double-Slit Experiment – Single-Slit Experiment … particles Isaac Newton called them “corpuscles” Photoelectric Effect
What is light? Light is... … Umm … It cannot be both... Can it? Particles do not diffract or interfere Waves cannot cause the photoelectric effect Whichever it is, we can use rays to describe it.
That is fast!! The speed of light Thought to be infinite Galileo did not agree He tried to measure the speed but was unable 17 th century Dutch astronomer Ole Roemer Calculated it to be 2.2×10 8 m/s Albert Michelson Measured speed of light to be 3×10 8 m/s This is a constant: c = 3×10 8 m/s
Roy G. Biv Light can be separated into different types depending on (depending how you look at it) wavelength, frequency, or energy – Radio – Microwave – Infrared – Visible – Ultraviolet – X-Ray – Gamma Ray
Roy G. Biv All we can see is called visible light, and it is a tiny portion of all light. It is further separated into colors, the colors of the rainbow – Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Blue – Indigo – Violet
Roy G. Biv Primary Colors of Light – Red – Green – Blue Secondary Colors – Cyan – Magenta – Yellow All colors together – White
Polar Bears Each light wave is only oriented a certain way. Some materials block light that is not oriented a certain way. These are called polarizers. Polarizers can be quite useful, and interesting and fun! – Polarized Sunglasses – Newer 3-D glasses
Doppler Effect Just like sound waves, light waves can also be shifted in frequency/wavelength by the Doppler Effect. The equation is a little bit different, although similar
Assignment Chapter 16 – (page 447) – 52, 60, 63 (pp )