Peak Trough Amplitude Wavelength ( ) (in meters) Frequency measured in Hertz: (Hz): cycles per second
Speed of a wave = wavelength * frequency v= f Increased frequency has increased energy for Electromagnetic waves: ◦ Speed = 3.0x10 8 m/s(speed of light) ◦ c = 3.0x10 8 m/s
Rabid Monkeys InIn Violet Underpants eXterminate Gibbons Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared Visual Light Ultra Violet X-Ray Gamma Ray Large Small Small f Large f Low NRG High NRG
Range of wavelengths in the visible spectrum 7.5 x m 4 x m 750nm400nm ROYGBIVROYGBIV
ColourWavelength IntervalFrequency range (Hz) Red~ 630–750 nm (10 14 ) Orange~ 590–630 nm5.09 – 4.76 (10 14 ) Yellow~ 560–590 nm5.36 – 5.08 (10 14 ) Green~ 490–560 nm6.12 – 5.36 (10 14 ) Blue~ 450–490 nm6.67 – 6.12 (10 14 ) Indigo~ 435–450 nm6.90 – 6.67 (10 14 ) Violet~ 400–450 nm7.5 – 6.67 (10 14 )
All colours added together
Continuous Colour Spectrum A line spectrum consists of distinct bright lines appearing on a dark background that occur in different parts of the visible spectrum.
An atom excited by addition of energy (heat) will send off electron(s) from its orbital. As the electron returns, it emits electromagnetic waves, and can be seen as coloured light. P.143 %2031/AABXTEI0.html %2031/AABXTEI0.html one/index.html one/index.html