Spectroscopy Involves examining __________ from objects (like stars) to determine what they are made of Can use a ___________-instrument that breaks up the light from a star into its component colors in order to identify which ___________ are present in that star.
____________Spectrum contains all wavelengths of the colors that compose white light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, from long to short wavelength). Emitted by _________________ solids, liquids, or compressed gases. Ex. the glowing filament in a lamp
_________(Bright-Line) Spectrum a glowing gas will emit spectral lines (at a particular wavelength) when it is ________
___________(Dark-Line) Spectrum When the gas ___________________(at the same characteristic wavelength), a dark-line spectrum (absorption) spectrum results
Each ___________ has its own signature spectrum because each element has a different atomic structure, causing it to produce (or absorb) a different set of wavelengths
This spectra is mostly produced by the Mercury (Hg) vapor in CFLs.
Neon gas spectrum: Hydrogen gas spectrum: H Spectra of various light bulbs and an LED light:
Natural Daylight