Light &ColorLight &ColorLight &ColorLight &Color
Light is an electromagnetic wave Electric field waves perpendicular to Magnetic field waves. Both are perpendicular to direction wave is traveling. This makes it a transverse wave.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic Spectrum (longest wavelength to shortest wavelength) 1. Radio and TV 2. Microwaves 3. Infrared 4. Visible 5. Ultraviolet 6. X-rays 7. Gamma Rays
Violet light has a wavelength of about 400 nm Red light has a wavelength of about 700 nm Different wavelengths of light have different colors.
Color Spectrum (from longest to shortest wavelengths) Color Spectrum (from longest to shortest wavelengths) ROYGBIV 1. Red 1. Red 2. Orange 2. Orange 3. Yellow 3. Yellow 4. Green 4. Green 5. Blue 5. Blue 6. Indigo (Now a Goner!) 6. Indigo (Now a Goner!) 7. Violet 7. Violet
Galileo was first to try to measure speed of light. Before Galileo, everyone thought light had no speed Galileo first to hypothesize light had a finite speed Used lanterns with shutters as first experiment. Decided light was too fast to measure.
Speed of light, wavelength of light, frequency of light relationship c = f c = speed of light (m/s) = wavelength of light (m) f = frequency of light (Hz)
The speed of light is a set value C = 300,000,000 m/s = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s = 300,000 km/s = 186,000 mi./s
Transparent Objects Allow light to pass through them undisturbed.Allow light to pass through them undisturbed. No trouble identifying objects behind transparent objects.No trouble identifying objects behind transparent objects. Examples: glass, transparencies, clear liquidsExamples: glass, transparencies, clear liquids
Translucent Objects Light can pass through, but not clearly.Light can pass through, but not clearly. Reflect some light, but also allow some light to pass through (transmit)Reflect some light, but also allow some light to pass through (transmit) Examples: tissue paper, lampshades, frosted light bulbs...Examples: tissue paper, lampshades, frosted light bulbs...
Opaque Objects Materials which do not allow light to pass through.Materials which do not allow light to pass through. Only reflect light.Only reflect light. Examples: bricks, doors, people...Examples: bricks, doors, people...
Luminous Objects which create light are said to be Luminous Examples: Sun, stars, light bulbs
ILLUMINATED Objects which reflect light These objects do not create their own light examples: Moon, planets, desk, whiteboard, people...
Color of Light
Making Colors by Addition of Light
Primary Light Colors Three colors: Red, blue, green Combinations of any of these two produce secondary colors, all three colors added together make white light These are illumines and create their own light
Light Color addition
Venn Diagram of Color
Light color addition (cont.) Color monitors and TV screens use this principle By varying the intensity of the three colors, any pixel can have any color possible.
Making Colors by Subtraction Pigments
Primary Pigments These are opaque and luminous magentacyan YellowCompose of magenta, cyan, and Yellow Absorb and reflect light rather then illuminate it. Mixtures of paints from these primary color pigments can produce any color imaginable.
Venn Diagram of Pigment
WHAT WE SEE? Reflected v. Absorbed
We can only see reflected colors
Polarization of Light Unpolarized light vibrates in all directions in the xyz plane. In this illustration the electric field (E) is vibrating on the y-axis, and the Magnetic field (B) is vibrating on the z-axis. The wave is traveling along the x-axis.
Polarization (cont.) Polarizers are made of long strands of molecules that are all aligned parallel to each other. Look at blue in the illustration.
Polarizers will only allow light that is vibrating parallel to the direction the polarizer is ligned up. Polarizers will not allow light to pass through if it is vibrating perpendicular to it.