Statistical Capacity Building Workshop 31 January – 11 February 2005 APIA, SAMOA Topic x: SCB for EFA Assessment and Review
Lessons of the EFA Decade: Education for whose needs? Relevance and Quality
Monitor and Evaluate Dakar EFA Objectives 1. Expand & improve ECCE 2. Ensure all to have access and complete education that is free, compulsory and of good quality 3. Ensure learning needs of all youth and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills prgrammes 4. Achieve 50% improvement in adult literacy 5. Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005 and achieving gender equality in education by Improve quality of education and ensure excellence, so that all learners achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes
EFA National Action Plans should contain Realistic monitoring strategy closely related to national EFA priorities EFA monitoring and assessment work plan Capacity building for EFA monitoring and assessment
Where are we going? Dunno! No National, sub-regional and regional monitoring!Monitoring
Expanded EFA: data gaps and indicators inadequacies Vital areas not yet clearly defined and codified, absence of standards like the ISCED with a standardized data collection methodology: –Early Childhood, –Literacy, –Non-formal education for adults and youth –General skills and essential life skills No variables for analysis of special needs target groups
Pacific Island Regional Workshop on Education Statistics, Papua New Guinea, May 2003
Availability of education statistics (Asia & Pacific) Central Asia East Asia South and West Asia Pacific
Availability of education statistics (Pacific)
Participating countries to identify regional and national Capacity Building priorities
Number of countries able to collect data and produce EFA indicators
Pacific Education Statistics 2003 Cook Islands, Palau (absent) Fiji has produced indicators for all EFA Goals for the EFA 2000 assessment Kiribati did not produce any indicators for EFA 2000 assessment, but produced recently some indicators based on school survey data (i.e., no literacy, no financial statistics). Marshall Islands has no capacity to produce any of the EFA indicators Nauru has no statistics function, since there are only two primary and one secondary schools Niue has no statistics function; there are only one primary and one secondary schools; Papua New Guinea has no capacity for EFA indicators, need capacity building in all aspects of statistics and EMIS. Samoa has adequate capacity (one person) in data collection and producing indicators based on government school survey Solomon Islands (present but no response) Tonga can only report financial data from its administrative information, not collect data on any other statistics Tuvalu produced only GER and teachers qualification for EFA 2000 assessment, Vanuatu was able to report financial data from their own administration
National Stats. Capacity Building priorities for EFA PMEA
Aloha! What shall the Assessment Assess and Data from Where?