Evidence Success through Destination Data
Objectives Provide some tips on collecting destinations data Demonstrate accountability and improvement through publishing pupil destinations data Identify how to effectively monitor and measure valuable careers and employment guidance through data Develop effective self-evaluation to illustrate improvement at your next inspection How to evaluate the performance of a contractor providing services and activities I’m very pragmatic – I try and do things in a practical way – once set up this system will save you time - HONESTLY
Who are you accountable to? Governors Parents Ofsted Pupils SENCO SLT What will these groups be looking for in Destination Data? Proof of solid framework for CEIAG Their child will be supported That your offer is independent Info, guidance, help, support Input into SEND planning Proof of efficacy Accountability & Improvement Image courtesy of Stuart Miles Freedigitalphotos.net
Reasons not to collect your data It’s a data collection exercise – thus its somebody else’s job It’s hard work You’ll never get it perfect Reasons to collect your own data Great basis for an alumni network Being able to demonstrate the positive effects of careers work Gives you the ability to link activities to pupil interests Will give you insight into pupils decision making process. Will impress SLT Do you need to collect your own destination data ? Image courtesy of iprostocks / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
At the end of KS3 do an interests survey From this start to build your framework of activities Set up a system for recording who goes to each session Set up a survey monkey type exercise to get feedback on each session Before you begin… This is the scaffolding of your system scaffolding Image courtesy of potowizard at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Strategy for collection of Destinations Data for self evaluation YOU WILL NEED ADMINISTRATIVE HELP Step 1 – engage with you school data manager Step 2 - get your head of year 11 to record all references he/she writes Step 3 - Get personal & mobile numbers of year 11 pupils before leaving. Step 4 - Results day Step 5 – Ask providers to inform you of any ex pupils enrolled with them Step 6 - Presentation evening Step 7 – /alumni contact Image courtesy of tungphoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
What to do with the data Straightforward analysis will be done for DFE You can liaise with your data manager to produce data sets for your most effective workshops, pathways etc. Liaise with SLT to identify micro populations and/or priorities Report back to your governors each year. Update staff on a yearly basis – builds support networks Keep reports ready for Ofsted Use a short report to keep parents informed – perhaps in newsletter
Monitoring Your interests survey will identify pupils who have no ideas as yet and allow you to target them with interventions Top 10 areas of interest can be prioritised for activity planning Share info with your careers adviser along with predicted grades Form tutors can use information to inform tutor activity HOY can use interests to build engagement HODs can personalise targets more effectively PP manager can personalise provision for qualifying pupils Review monthly or half termly for pupils who are slipping through gaps or not engaging.
Self Evaluation for Inspection Strengths - What do you do well? Weakness -What don’t you do that you should do? Opportunities - What could you do better? Threats - What don’t you do that you’d like to do? SWOT Analysis
Action Plan Start as soon as year 11 go on exam leave Review your data – how well did you meet last years targets What problems were encountered What will you need in terms of finance, time or resources to deliver improved service next year. Use to report back to Governors and in line management meetings.
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