22-4 How Important Is Urban Land- Use Planning? Concept 22-4 Urban land-use planning can help to reduce uncontrolled sprawl and slow the resulting degradation of air, water, land, biodiversity, and other natural resources.
Conventional Land-Use Planning (1) Most urban areas and some rural areas use various forms of land-use ________________ to determine the best present and future ________ of each parcel of land. Typically, planning has often encouraged future population ____________ and economic __________________ Why? In the U.S. and some other countries there is a heavy reliance on ____________________ to provide funding for public services Example: _______ of the revenues used by local governments in the U.S. comes from property taxes Provides funding for… _________________________ __________________________ protection __________________________ systems planning use growth development property taxes 90% schools police and fire water and sewer
Conventional Land-Use Planning (2) Property taxes can only be raised so much at a time, so local governments often raise money by promoting urban ____________ in order to meet expanding needs Once a land-use plan has been developed, governments need a way to _____________ the various uses of parcels of land The most widely used approach is ______________, in which various parcels of land are designated for uses such as… Residential Commercial ___________ use growth control zoning Mixed
Conventional Land-Use Planning (3) Zoning can be used to protect land and biodiversity… Examples: Curitiba, Brazil and Portland, Oregon (USA) have used zoning to encourage _____________________ development along major ________________ corridors to reduce automobile use and air pollution high-density mass-transit
Conventional Land-Use Planning (4) Zoning has drawbacks as well… Can result in the ___________________ of wetlands, cropland, forested areas, etc… Often favors high priced-housing or industries resulting in higher _______________, over protecting areas or providing low –cost housing Overly strict zoning can discourage _______________ approaches to solving urban problems destruction revenues innovative
Smart Growth Works (1) Smart growth is one way to encourage more environmentally sustainable development that… Reduces dependence on ___________ Controls and directs ______________ Cuts wasteful ________________ use Uses zoning laws to channel growth into areas where it causes ________________ As seen in Curitiba, Brazil, smart growth often spurs economic ______________ and renewal cars sprawl resource less harm growth
Fig , p. 604 Solutions Smart Growth Tools Limits and Regulations Protection Preserve open space Limit building permits Draw urban growth boundaries Prohibit certain types of development Taxes Buy new open space Create greenbelts around cities Tax land, not buildings Tax land on value of actual use instead of on highest value as developed land Zoning Promote mixed use of housing and small businesses Concentrate development along mass transportation routes For owners agreeing not to allow certain types of development Tax Breaks For cleaning up and developing abandoned urban sites Planning Ecological land-use planning Revitalization and New Growth Revitalize existing towns and cities Environmental impact analysis Integrated regional planning Build well-planned new towns and villages within cities
Smart Growth Works (2) China has taken the ______________ stand of any country against urban sprawl Government has designated _______ of its arable (farmable) land as fundamental land Developers need approval from the central government Europe has successfully discourage urban sprawl in favor of ______________ cities High __________________ taxes High taxes on _______________ fuel to encourage people to live in apartments and small houses Tax revenues have been used to develop _________ transit strongest 80% compact gasoline heating mass
Case Study: Smart Growth in Portland, Oregon Since 1975, Portland’s population grew 50% but its urban area expanded by only _______. Efficient light-rail and bus system carries _______ of all commuters to downtown jobs Abundant green space and parks _________________ neighborhoods Air pollution reduced __________ “Greenest” U.S. city 2% 45% Mixed-use 86%
Preserving and Using Open Space Urban growth ________________ approach Places an urban growth line around each community and allow no urban development outside that boundary Sometimes create _____________ in rural areas just beyond the boundary __________________ parks U.S. cities: New York City and San Francisco ____________________ Open area that _______________ a city and is reserved for _____________ and sustainable forestry boundary sprawl Municipal Greenbelts surrounds recreation
Central Park, New York City, USA Fig , p. 605
22-5 How Can Cities Become More Sustainable and Livable? Concept 22-5 An ecocity allows people to choose walking, biking, or mass transit for most transportation needs; to recycle or reuse most of their wastes; to grow much of their food; and to protect biodiversity by preserving surrounding land.
New Urbanism Is Growing Since WWII, the conventional approach to suburban housing development has been to bulldoze an area and build on ____________________ lots Typical housing development standardized
New Urbanism Is Growing Cluster development – high density housing units are __________________ on one portion of a parcel, and the rest of the land is used as commonly shared ___________ space Cluster housing development concentrated open
New Urbanism Is Growing Some communities are going further and using the goals of new urbanism, which may also be called __________________ to develop entire villages and promote _______________ neighborhoods Five Goals of New Urbanism _____________________________ Mixed-use and __________________________ _______________________________ old villageism mixed-use walkability diversity quality urban design environmental sustainability Smart transportation
Case Study: New Urban Village of Vauban The city of Freiburg, Germany planned a new suburb called ______________, completed in 2006 that is designed to be free of cars Car use heavily discouraged by… forbidding personal garages, street parking, etc. Charging ________________ for a parking space within a large garage All homes within _________________ distance of public transit and stores, banks, restaurants, schools Much use of renewable energy…solar energy, cogeneration plant Vauban $40,000 walking
The Ecocity Concept: Cities for People Not Cars The primary problem with large cities is not urban growth, but our failure to make them more sustainable Eight goals of ecocities or green cities 1. Build and redesign for _______________ and not cars 2. Use ___________________ energy resources 3. Use energy and matter resources _________________ 4. Prevent __________________ and reduce waste 5. Reuse, recycle and compost ________ municipal waste 6. Protect and support _____________________ 7. Promote urban ________________; farmers markets 8. Use _____________ to promote sustainability people renewable efficiently pollution 60-85% biodiversity gardens zoning
Science Focus: Urban Indoor Farming _______________ greenhouses Sun Works: New York based company that designs energy-efficient greenhouses Built a greenhouse on a _____________ floating in the Hudson River as well as one on top of a ________________ _________________ gardens…provide water and nutrients but grow plants _____________________ _________________ skyscraper farms Rooftop barge school hydroponic without soil Vertical
The Ecovillage Movement Is Growing Another innovative approach to living more sustainably is the ___________________ movement Within cities sometimes called _________________ Groups of people come together to design and live in more sustainable areas Strategies include… Generating electricity from ______________, small wind _____________, and ________________ systems Collecting ________________; using ______________ toilets Developing _______________ farming plots ecovillage “eco-hoods” solar cells turbineshydropower rainwatercomposting organic
The Ecovillage Movement Is Growing In 2008, there were more than ________ ecovillages Los Angeles Ecovillage BedZED – London, England Ithaca, New York Asheville, North Carolina Munksard – Copenhagen, Denmark Mbam – Senegal, Africa 375
Case Study: A Living Building There is growing interest in expanding the boundaries of green building and more sustainable architecture _____________ buildings Designed to fit in with local ________________, vegetation, other characteristics Energy met solely by renewable resources Includes a system for capturing, treating, reusing all _______________ Highly energy ________________ Aesthetically pleasing Living climate waste water efficient
Omega Center for Sustainable Living in Rhinebeck, New York Fig , p. 609
Omega Center for Sustainable Living in Rhinebeck, New York Abbreviated ____________ Contains its own water ___________________ facility Uses living organisms such as plants, bacteria, algae, snails, and fungi to filter and clean the building’s used water _______________ solar energy…southern exposure Solar cells Vegetated green roof Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification (__________) Fig , p. 609 OCSL treatment Passive LEED
Review Questions 1.What is smart growth? 2.How is cluster development different from traditional suburban development? 3. Ecocities are built for _________________ and not _________. Concentrated growth that depends less on cars and reduces wasteful resource use More concentrated with shared open spaces…focuses on walkability and using mass transit people cars