“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." (This will be your aim)
Broadstairs is a popular resort Tourism is having positive and negative effects on Broadstairs. Broadstairs Manages it’s tourism well. EXTENSION: Broadstairs is in a state of decline or rejuvenation
Enquiry sequence Open up your student guide to the mark scheme. Use it to design a flow chart of the things you must do in the investigation and the order you must do them in.
Limited vs High control ALL work must be completed in Geography lessons (except for the fieldtrip). Introduction/method/collation of data and presentation of data will be in normal classroom conditions. BUT : You will be very tight for time I cannot mark any drafts you do. I can give advice if you ask me questions. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE AN INDEPENDENT APPROACH.
Description, analysis, conclusion and evaluation will take place in exam conditions. You will be in a computer room and will be in complete silence. You will not be able to ask me for advice. THIS IS SET BY THE EXAM BOARD.
How is it marked? Total mark is / 60 (remember this assessment counts for 25% of your overall GCSE) Look at the mark scheme again – 36 of the marks come from the limited control sessions and 24 from the high control sessions.
Key things to remember Geographical understanding – should be introduced at the start of the investigation but your understanding MUST run throughout e.g. you must use geographical terms in your analysis. You aren’t allowed to bring anything in or work directly on it at home. But of course you can read around the subject and research to help your understanding. You will lose marks for laziness e.g. If maps/graphs do not have titles etc.
To get a level 3 for ‘Methodology’ you must collect original data. This means data that is different to everyone else.
“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." Let’s break down the question- what does this mean?
“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." What key terms will you be using? Consider how you will answer this question: Tourism Management Social Economic Environmental Resident Business owner Employee Honey-pot site Butler Model
“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." What key theories will be used Butler? Can you remember this?
“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." What data will we be collecting? What data can we collect? A detailed land use map of Broadstairs using the key. A tourist questionnaire (aim to ask 2 people as a pair at each location) Pedestrian count (at each location) Traffic count (at each location) Environmental Quality Survey (at each location) Photographs (at each location) UNIQUE DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE (That helps you to answer the investigation)
“Investigate a National Park or coastal resort as a tourist destination." Broadstairs is a popular resort What data could we collect to support an answer to this hypothesis? Use list from previous slide.
‘Investigate the effects of tourism on Broadstairs EXTENSION: Broadstairs is in a state of decline or rejuvenation What data could we collect to support an answer to this hypothesis?
Example scripts In pairs, take some time to look through the example script you have been given. Record how many marks you think it would have got for each section and then add up to get a total score. Be ready to feedback.
Mark Scheme Use the Mark Scheme to see how close you are to the real thing.
What do the marks mean??? A* = 52 A = 45 B = 38 C = 32 D = 26 E = 21 F = 16 G = 11
Read through suggested delivery of CA sheet What UNIQUE DATA COLLECTION could you use? What other data would help you with aim of investigation? Or one of the hypotheses? Think about theories? Key terms etc.
Still confused? Have a look through the examples on the desk at the front. We will need these back. But this should help you to understand what will be required. REMEMBER that the hypotheses are slightly different each year.