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Wikipedia’s mission Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.
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Wikidata An item for any notable subject “Claims” (or “statements”) about each item, using clearly-defined “properties” Properties may have “qualifiers” Every item is an “instance of” or “subclass of” another Claims show relationships between items Multi-lingual labels and descriptions Claims may include identifiers
Wikidata Machine-readable (linked, open data) API Toolserver Data dumps – JSON/ XML/ RDF Public domain (CC0)
Wikidata – Qatar
Wikidata – instance of
Wikidata – claims (& relationships)
Wikidata - multilingual
Wikidata - identifiers
What is Authority control? Unique IDentifiers ( UIDs ) for subjects – People – …but also organisations, publications, places, artworks, buildings, topics, abstract concepts – Often resolve to a URL (or URI, or IRI) – Related data may be retrievable via JSON, XML, RDF, etc. (“linked, open data”) – …as well as in human readable form (HTML)
Arabic Wikipedia!
Why do we need Authority control? Michael White
Why do we need Authority control? Michael White, Michael White, X X Michael White, Michael White, Michael White, X X Michael White, Michael White, Michael White, Michael White, Michael White, X X
Why do we need Authority control? عبدالله بن مساعد بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود Abdullah bin Musa'ed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Abdullah bin Mosaad bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Abdullah bin Musa'ad
Examples of Authority Control ORCID VIAF ISNI LCCN GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei; Integrated Authority File) ResearcherID National Portrait Gallery (London) person identifier (for artists, subjects) Many, many more…
Examples of Authority Control (2) For publications: ISBN ISSN DOI …more
Domain-specific Authority Control InChI (chemicals) 1S/C3H6O/c1-3(2)4/h1-2H3 (Acetone) GeoNames ID (places) (Birmingham, England) Swiss municipality code (Swiss places only) 6621 (Geneva) RKDimages (Paintings in the Netherlands) (The Tiger Hunt) BBC Programme Identifier (TV shows, etc.) P00fp03l (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
Wikidata identifiers Every Wikidata item has a UID: e.g. Qatar = Q846 = This, too, is a form of authority control..but remember: only for notable items You can add your catalogues to Wikidata!
Authority control properties in Wikidata ISNI= P213(x 224,079) VIAF = P214 (x 559,089) GND= P227(x 352,706) LCCN= P244(x 228,615) ORCID = P496 (x 201) ISBN-13= P212 (x 8,287 ; also 10,713 x ISBN-10 ) ISSN= P236(x 29,209) …many more
Open or Closed Open (e.g. ORCID) Not open (e.g. ResearcherID)
ORCID Let’s have a closer look at one example:
ORCID O pen Researcher and C ontributor ID entifier
ORCID You (and your colleagues) can register for an ORCID identifier!
ORCID in Wikipedia = three uses
ORCID in Wikipedia 1. For article Subjects
ORCID in Wikipedia 2. For Wikipedia contributors
ORCID in Wikipedia 3. For authors in Wikipedia’s citations (potential use)
Wikipedia contributions as works, in an ORCID profile
WP:ORCID Type this in the English Wikipedia’s search box:
Resolver Find the Wikidata page corresponding to a given authority control identifier
Resolver resolver.php?prop=P496&value=
Resolver =
Beacon Matching two authority control identifiers, using Wikidata
NAME: ORCID #DESCRIPTION: Mapping from VIAF identifier IDs to ORCID IDs #CREATOR: Magnus Manske #CREATOR: #HOMEPAGE: #TIMESTAMP: T10:03:54+00:00 #PREFIX: #TARGET: |Q | |Q | |Q | |Q | |Q823885| |Q | |Q | |Q | |Q | |Q | |Q | X |Q |
Beacon |Q | VIAF (P214)|Wikidata|ORCID (P496) todo/beacon.php?prop=496&source=214
Beacon =
VIAF Mass import to English Wikipedia, by “bot” Errors are being logged Mass conversion to Wikidata, by bot (just completed) Ongoing liaison with VIAF team at OCLC VIAF recently changed from linking to the English Wikipedia to linking to Wikidata & thus all Wikipedias
In summary… Wikidata stores many types of authority control IDs IDs are then imported to Wikipedia articles in many languages Wikidata can be used to link IDs in two – or more – authority control systems Wikidata is copyright-free, linked, open data Wikidata welcomes your input Get an ORCID iD!