BULLFROG Team 6 Rikki Kline Buck Posey Ashley Ciesielczyk Aaron Greenfield “ Block the Burn, and Bite ” Proposed Media Plan
Situation Analysis Media Objectives Create New Users Inform Consumer of Benefits Create Awareness of Sun Damage to Skin Specific Media Projection Variable of Consumers The amount of time our users spend in the sun during season. The added benefit of a 2 in 1 properties which make it more appealing. Need for something they don’t need to constantly reapply.
Situation Analysis Target Market Parents - generally with more responsibilities for taking care of their children while involved in a variety out outdoor activities. Three Children HH’s - parents with more children will feel better knowing their children are better protected from the elements all day. Consumer Needs Long lasting sunscreen Full protection Variety of product types
SWOTStrengths Unique product design Unique product design Available growth Available growth Unsatisfied markets with potential Unsatisfied markets with potential Areas with low BDI Areas with low BDI Repurchase cycle Repurchase cycleWeakness Low brand loyaltyLow brand loyalty Brand awarenessBrand awareness Strong competitionStrong competition Low share of voiceLow share of voice Product placementProduct placement Opportunities Better product placement Better product placement Better advertising Better advertising Concern about insect carried diseases Concern about insect carried diseases More defined target market More defined target market Growing concerns over skin health Growing concerns over skin healthThreats Growing competitionGrowing competition Growing advertising spent by competitorsGrowing advertising spent by competitors Lack of dominance in brand categoryLack of dominance in brand category New repellant being developedNew repellant being developed Extremely broad market with all brandsExtremely broad market with all brands
Creative Brief
Industry Media Spending
Proposed Media Spending
Proposed Media Plan
Media Delivery Metrics CitiesPopulation 25-34% of Observers# Reached Phoenix, AZ602,50013%78,325 Denver, CO540,00013%70,200 San Diego, CA442,60013%57,538 Portland, OR396,70013%51,571 Charlotte, NC367,70013%47,801 Raleigh, NC376,20013%48,906 Nashville, TN327,30013%42,549 San Antonio, TX284,90013%37,037 Norfolk, VA245,60013%31,928 Memphis, TN242,20013%31,486 Total Reached497,341 Outdoor CitiesPopulation 25-34% of Listeners# Reached Phoenix, AZ602,50010%60,250 Denver, CO540,00010%54,000 San Diego, CA442,60010%44,260 Portland, OR396,70010%39,670 Charlotte, NC367,70010%36,770 Raleigh, NC376,20010%37,620 Nashville, TN327,30010%32,730 San Antonio, TX284,90010%28,490 Norfolk, VA245,60010%24,560 Memphis, TN242,20010%24,220 Total Reached382,570 Radio
Media Delivery Metrics CitiesPopulation % of Readership# Reached Phoenix, AZ602,5008%48,200 Denver, CO540,0008%43,200 San Diego, CA442,6008%35,408 Portland, OR396,7008%31,736 Charlotte, NC367,7008%29,416 Raleigh, NC376,2008%30,096 Nashville, TN327,3008%26,184 San Antonio, TX284,9008%22,792 Norfolk, VA245,6008%19,648 Memphis, TN242,2008%19,376 Total Reached306,056 Magazines Cities chosen based on assumption that majority of population participate in outdoor activities. These different types of media were selected as they are aimed to reaching our desired target markets. GRPS= /100= 3020