PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Stephen O. Dean, President Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium December 1-2, 2010
DISTINGUISHED CAREER AWARDS Fusion Power Associates Distinguished Career Awards were established in 1987 to recognize individuals who have made distinguished lifelong career contributions to fusion development 2010 Awards are presented to Miklos Porkolab and Dmitri Ryutov
DISTINGUISHED CAREER AWARD In selecting Prof. Porkolab, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes his many years of dedication to advancing the prospects of fusion power. The Board especially notes his decades of career contributions to fusion research and development, including his pioneering contributions to wave-particle interactions, plasma heating, diagnostics development, and the leadership he has provided to the MIT and world fusion programs.
DISTINGUISHED CAREER AWARD In selecting Dr. Ryutov, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes his many years of dedication to advancing the prospects of fusion power. The Board especially notes his decades of career contributions to fusion research and development, including his many innovative and stimulating contributions across a broad spectrum of fusion concepts and issues.
2010 LEADERSHIP AWARDS Fusion Power Associates Leadership Awards were established in 1980 to recognize individuals who have provided outstanding leadership in accelerating the development of fusion power Leadership Awards are presented to Riccardo Betti Y-K Martin Peng
In selecting Dr. Betti, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes the outstanding leadership he has provided to the inertial fusion program. The Board especially recognizes the leadership he has provided to the search for efficient methods of igniting fusion targets, his contributions to the emerging field of high energy density physics, and the advisory role he has played on the DOE’s Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee.
In selecting Dr. Peng, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes the outstanding leadership he has provided to the magnetic fusion program. The Board especially recognizes the leadership he has provided to the Spherical Torus effort worldwide and to its several applications, including potential use as a fusion materials test facility.
2010 EXCELLENCE IN FUSION ENGINEERING AWARD Fusion Power Associates Excellence in Fusion Engineering Awards, in memory of MIT Professor David J. Rose, were established in 1987 to recognize persons in the relatively early part of their careers who have shown both technical accomplishment and potential to become exceptionally influential leaders in the fusion field.
The 2010 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award is presented to Dr. Pravesh Patel of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory In selecting Dr. Patel, the Fusion Power Associates Board of Directors recognizes the contributions and leadership he is providing to the field of relativistic laser-plasma interactions and to the development of the fast ignition concept for inertial confinement fusion.
Fusion Power Associates Special Awards Fusion Power Associates Special Awards are given periodically to persons who have made important contributions to the fusion effort. This year the FPA Board presents Special Awards to Christopher J. Keane John W. Willis
In selecting Dr. Keane, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes and expresses its appreciation for managerial contributions he made to the progress of the inertial confinement fusion effort while at the National Nuclear Security Administration. The Board especially notes that several important initiatives, including the NIF, began during his tenure and his contributions to increased scientific collaborative efforts nationally, internationally and within the U.S. Department of Energy.
In selecting Dr. Willis, the FPA Board of Directors recognizes and expresses its appreciation for managerial contributions he made to the progress of the magnetic confinement fusion effort while at the U.S. Department of Energy. The Board especially notes that the balanced insights and advice he provided were a constant source of inspiration to fusion scientists during periods of large budget and policy fluctuations.