Magnetic Fields and Induced EMFs
Electromagnetic Induction Just as a magnetic field can be formed by a current in a circuit, a current can be produced using an external magnetic field. The process of inducing a current in a circuit with a magnetic field is called electromagnetic induction
But How??? Remember, a moving charge in a magnetic field experiences a force. Well… a charge that is still will also experience a force if the magnetic field is moving around it. The moving magnetic field causes the force on charges which will cause them to go around the circuit with a current.
Electromagnetic Induction A current can only be produced if the magnetic field is changing, or what physicist call, a magnetic flux There are three ways that a magnetic flux can be produced…
Induced Current method #1 The circuit is moved into or out of a magnetic field. This is relative, so the magnetic field could be moving, the circuit could be moving, or both could be moving.
Induced Current method #2 The circuit is rotated in the magnetic field. The strength of a magnetic field is dependent on the angle to the circuit. By rotating the circuit, the strength of the magnetic field is changing and therefore a current can be induced.
Induced current #3 The intensity of the magnetic field is varied. This change in the strength of the magnetic field will cause a current to be induced.
Faraday’s Law The emf produced is proportional to the change in the magnetic flux per unit of time and the number of loops in a circuit. Or
Magnetic Flux Φ is the magnetic flux, or how much magnetic field is going through an area. Picture a hula-hoop in the rain…
Hula-hooping in the rain The harder the rain, the more water that will go through the hoop. The bigger the hula-hoop, the more water that will go through the hoop. Magnetic flux is the same as this. It is a factor of how much magnetic field there is and how much room does it have to flow through.
What if you turn the hoop? Let’s say you are hula-hooping around your arm. Can any rain get through? The angle also determines the amount of magnetic field that can get through.
Magnetic Flux Therefore… Where, A is the area of the circuit loop, and B is the magnetic field strength
Faraday’s Law again In total, Faraday’s Law is…
Summary The things that effect electromagnetic induction according to Farday’s law are: 1) The angle between the magnetic field and the circuit 2) The strength of the magnetic field 3) The area of the loop of the circuit 4) The number of loops in the circuit 5) How quickly the magnetic field changes
simulation simulation
Lenz’s Law What direction is the induced current? Lenz’s Law states: “The magnetic field of the induced current opposes the change in the applied magnetic field”.
Right-hand rule #1 Again Remember, a current can induce a magnetic field of it’s own. The current that it induces will oppose the direction of the magnetic field flux.
Example A circuit of wire is pulled through a magnetic field pointed out of the smart board. What is the direction of the induced current?
Solution The current induced will be such that it will create a magnetic field to go back into the smart board. Therefore, the direction of the current will be clockwise
Door Bells Ever wonder why there is a small light behind the button of a door bell??
Door bell continued Pushing the door bell disrupts the current in the left circuit. This disruption causes there to be a decrease in the magnetic field in the left circuit. According to Farday’s law, this decrease in the left circuit, causes a current to be induced in the right circuit.
Door bell continued The induced current causes a magnetic field in the right circuit directed through the middle to the coil. The iron bar is pushed outwards and hits the chime.
Door Bell