Cost Advantage Customer Value Innovation Competitive Collaboration Forces ASEAN+6, BIMSTEC Competitive Collaboration Forces ASEAN+6, BIMSTEC Value Creation Rate against Risks Value Creation Rate against Risks Location Competitiveness ………………………. Location Competitiveness ………………………. Integrated special economic zones Sustainable industrial complex with innovative infrastructure & Utilities. Integrated special economic zones Sustainable industrial complex with innovative infrastructure & Utilities. Globe’s New Innovation Hub : DAWEI --- in Indian Ocean Capitalizing on Global Competitive Advantage Sustainable Differentiation Commodity/HVP C1. Cost reduction through integrated port, road and rail network i.e. minimizing time not passing through the strait of Malacca. C2. Reduce the shipping distance from Bangkok to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa through Indian Ocean. C1. Cost reduction through integrated port, road and rail network i.e. minimizing time not passing through the strait of Malacca. C2. Reduce the shipping distance from Bangkok to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa through Indian Ocean. Hub & Spoke Trade, Production & Distribution Hub & Spoke Trade, Production & Distribution Value Costs Industry Average Region’s competitive advantages to the world Key Sector in M&T Size/Scale Growth Quality Key Sector in M&T Size/Scale Growth Quality Future Demand The Dawei Special Economic Zone : privileges for both tax and non-tax benefits Relaxation of rules and regulations. Policy : no nationalization AEC- harmonization The Dawei Special Economic Zone : privileges for both tax and non-tax benefits Relaxation of rules and regulations. Policy : no nationalization AEC- harmonization Ports / Multi model Economies of Clusters Logistics / Low inventory Low Transportation cost Ports / Multi model Economies of Clusters Logistics / Low inventory Low Transportation cost Clusters People Technology Logistic Trade/ Services Customer Value Innovation Clusters People Technology Logistic Trade/ Services Customer Value Innovation Globally Competitive Globally Competitive Value Innovation Value Efficiency High Productivity 3
Resources Asset Emerging Technology R1. Rich natural resources – Myanmar untapped natural resources including land, natural gas, timber, minerals,precious stones, tin (the largest Southeast Asian source of oil and gas that has not been fully utilized),zinc,copper,tungsten,lead,coal R2. Freshwater and marine resources as well as human capital. Scale Fit Leverage Activity Systems : Outbound/ Inbound Logistics M&T Resources base and emerging technology S1. Potential base for heavy industry –Dawei unlocks heavy industry gridlock to host upstream oil & gas through petrochemical as well as steel industries and related chains S2. Economy of scale for both supply and demand. S1. Potential base for heavy industry –Dawei unlocks heavy industry gridlock to host upstream oil & gas through petrochemical as well as steel industries and related chains S2. Economy of scale for both supply and demand. Production/Trade/Service M&T Marketing Strategic Positioning for global firms Expansion Opportunity to Optimize Existing Capabilities (Leverage) & Risk diversification Privileged access to Key Rules and Resources (SEZ) Proprietary Assets from Upstream Industries Non Replicable Competences ( DSEZ ) Competiveness Linkages within Geo-economic landscape, Demand & Growth Pole Economy of scope and scale ( and speed) Activity system capabilities in new connected world Privileges & Proprietary’s on AEC/GMS Upstream(Heavy) Industries are licensed 4