Roster: Please put a checkmark next to your name or add your name. Handouts: number Please number your NotePages #1 through # 8 Happiness Happiness April 10, 2012 Positive Psychology Day #5 of 8 Mark Rafter
A life bound by virtues & strengths. Where is HAPPINESS in all of this?
The best answer to any question about human behavior begins with two words. “It depends, …”
Behavior is a function of the Person and the Environment.
Q. “What causes happiness?” A. “It depends, …”
Pleasure = positive emotions (happiness) Engagement = using one’s personal strengths in the pursuit of one’s own work, love & play Meaning = using one’s personal strengths in the service of others
1 minute 15 seconds
Expressions of Happiness Causes (and effects) of Happiness Savoring Money Pets Self-Esteem Thought Speed and Thought Variability Gratitude vs Entitlement Causes (and effects) of Happiness Effects of Happiness
Page #1
Four common strategies have been identified – that can be employed alone or in combination – to savor a positive event: 1. Display positive emotions nonverbally 2. Staying present in the moment of the experience 3. Thinking about the event before (anticipation) and after (reflection) 4. Telling others about the event “activity”
The game was played in The movie interviews were conducted 40 years later.
See page #2
B = f(P x E)
My Prior Expectation
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation The Actual Outcome
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Bad “This actually ended badly!”
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Bad “This actually ended badly!”
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad Perceived Cause The Person Bad Skill Emotion Resigned Depressed
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Perceived Cause The Environment Good Luck Emotion Surprised, Guilt Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad Perceived Cause The Person Bad Skill Emotion Resigned Depressed
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Perceived Cause The Environment Good Luck Emotion Surprised, Guilt Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad Perceived Cause The Person Bad Skill Emotion Resigned Depressed
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” How I Perceive The Actual Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Perceived Cause The Environment Good Luck Emotion Surprised, Guilt Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad Perceived Cause The Person Bad Skill Emotion Resigned Depressed
B = f(P x E) My Prior Expectation Good “This should end well!” Bad “This should end badly!” How I Perceive The Outcome Good “This actually ended well!” Perceived Cause The Person Good Skill Emotion Happy, Proud, Grateful Perceived Cause The Environment Good Luck Emotion Surprised, Guilt Bad “This actually ended badly!” Perceived Cause The Environment Bad Luck Emotion Surprised, Angry Disappointed, Sad Perceived Cause The Person Bad Skill Emotion Resigned Depressed
Happiness - related articles 1. A Picture's Worth -- Partner Photographs Reduce Pain 3. Benefits of Expressing Gratitude to a Partner 5. Character Strengths Before and After September Does high self-esteem cause interpersonal success, happiness, or health? 7. Eavesdropping on Happiness - Have Less Small Talk Conversations 8. Expressions of positive emotion in women's' college yearbook pictures 16. Income Inequality and Happiness 19. Is Happiness Having What You Want - Wanting What You Have - or Both? 20. Money and Happiness - Rank of Income Not Amount Affects Satisfaction 21. Money Giveth & Taketh Away - The Dual Effect of Wealth on Happiness 25. Positive emotions in early life and longevity - Findings from the nun study 26. Saving the Last for Best 30. The Impact of Pets on Human Health and Psychological Well-Being 32. The pursuit of happiness can be lonely 34. Thought Speed - Thought Variability and Mood 35. When more pain is preferred to less - Adding a better end Page #8
Article #16 on Page 8
Read this as: Savoring The Savoring article
Reference this as: Savoring A Savoring article
See page #6
See page #5
See page #7
A life bound by virtues & strengths.
Cognition Cognition Emotion Overt Behavior …and our experience of happiness depends on these three domains.
Go Gratitude
A Daily Gratitude Journal Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward
1. Character Strengths Before and After September Gratitude and Prosocial Behavior - Helping When It Costs You 3. Benefits of Expressing Gratitude - Expressing Gratitude to a Partner Changes Ones View of the Relationship
The Gratitude Visit Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward
Cognition Cognition Emotion Overt Behavior …and a field test
The End. Thank you for the experience and the memories of today.