Environmental Infrastructure Needs Assessment: GIS Based Decision Support System Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy Presented by Rene Franco, Ph.D. University of Texas at El Paso For Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Border Needs Assessment: Project Background... 4 SCERP is a consortium of 9 Universities along the US/Mexico Border 4 SCERP is funded through the EPA and conducts Client Based research and activities in the areas of –Environment and Health –Natural Resource Management –Other Critical Issues Facing the Border
Border Needs Assessment: Project Background 4 Established BECC/SCERP Working Relationship –To Focus on Assessing Environmental Infrastructure Needs of the Border Region –To Develop and Implement a Two Part Strategy to evaluate Border Needs
Border Needs Assessment Strategic Plan: Phase I... 4 Phase I: GIS Based Decision Support Prototype Tool Kit –Specific to the Environmental Infrastructure requirements of BECC in the areas of: Water Waste Water Solid Waste
Border Needs Assessment: Strategic Plan: Phase I 4 Phase I is in progress –GIS database & Interactive Decision Support Tools –Preliminary Analysis of EI requirements and Costs for PW, WW, and SW –Secure Intranet Workgroup and Project Manager
Border Needs Assessment: Strategic Plan: Phase II 4 Phase II - Commitment of up to $750,000 of SCERP monies to Dedicated Research –BECC as primary Client –Address Comprehensive Needs of Border for: Hazardous Materials Air Pollution Health and Environmental Preservation Sustainable Development & Resource Management
Border Needs Assessment: Status of Phase I... 4 Prototype Toolkit Development Complete –Interactive Windows Based Application –GIS database development (from readily available data) –Secure Intranet Workgroup Manager –Sustainable Development Water Modeling Tool –Decision Support System Applications & Data
Border Needs Assessment: Status of Phase I 4 Preliminary Assessment of Environmental Infrastructure Projected Costs –Population Projections and Growth Summaries –Estimated Needs by Municipio and County Potable Water conveyance and treatment Waste Water collection and treatment Solid Waste Storage and Management –Per Capita Demand and Total Cost Estimates
Phase I: Prototype Toolkit
GIS Application and Borderwide Database
Phase I: Estimated Costs for Environmental Infrastructure
Sustainable Development Water Supply and Demand Modeling
Interactive Water Planning Models: Define Demand Per capita demand Assumptions based upon current conditions.
Interactive Water Planning Models: Define Demand Define Non- Residential Demand
Interactive Water Planning Models: Define Supply Surface Supply Aquifer Recharge and Re-Use
Interactive Water Planning Prepare Alternatives Simulate Impact on Existing Aquifer Supply
Interactive Water Planning Visualize Sustainability of Use Develop Alternative Scenarios that support Sustainable Water Use
Secure Intranet Workgroup and Project Manager
GIS Decision Support System
GIS Decision Support System Continued
Decision Support System Continued
Phase I: Future Activities 4 Increase and Improve Databases 4 Finalize Interactive Toolkit 4 White Paper - Comprehensive Borderwide Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan 4 Compare Results with NAD BANK