The struggle that grows out of the interplay of two opposing forces. Conflict The struggle that grows out of the interplay of two opposing forces.
Interpersonal/External: Man vs. Man A struggle against another person, usually the antagonist. Is there an Interpersonal, or External, struggle in Haroun and the Sea of Stories?
Intrapersonal/Internal: Man vs. Self A struggle between different elements within oneself. At what point in Haroun in the Sea of Stories, do we see Haroun engaged in an Intrapersonal, or Internal, struggle?
Man vs. Nature A struggle against nature or external forces. Can you think of an example in any literature where a character faced a Man vs. nature conflict?
Man vs. Society A struggle against society or the “majority”. Provide one example in either Haroun and the Sea of Stories, or elsewhere where a character experienced a conflict of Man vs. Society.