the planning process Today’s objective: I will begin to write my Personal Narrative essay by brainstorming the details of my topic and drafting my introduction. (2.a)
Idea 1 Why is this event significant in my life? This was my first experience with a serious illness. What did I learn from this event? I learned to be helpful and compassionate. Kim’s Surgery
Idea 1 Why is this event significant in my life? As you talk with your partner, explain why this event is important to you. What did I learn from this event? As you talk with your partner, explain what you learned. Turn and talk with a partner about your first idea. They can help you draft your responses.
Idea 1 Why is this event significant in my life? Whip Around… What did I learn from this event? Whip Around… Whip Around To Share Out
Idea 2 Why is this event significant in my life? What did I learn from this event?
Choose your best idea Most interesting to write Most interesting to read
Identify the exposition Who is involved? What is happening? When did this occur? Where did this occur? Why did this occur?
Identify the exposition Who is involved? Kim, me, my sister What is happening? I had to call an ambulance, and Kim went into emergency heart and spine surgery When did this occur? Summer 1999 Where did this occur? 12 Oaks Mall, Novi and Detroit, Michigan Why did this occur? Kim fainted while at the mall, she was rushed to the hospital
Identify the exposition Who is involved? What is happening? When did this occur? Where did this occur? Why did this occur?
Identify the exposition Who is involved? What is happening? When did this occur? Where did this occur? Why did this occur?
Purpose of a “hook”: The Beginning of a Personal Narrative Interests the reader Reveals the subject and/or establishes a captive audience
Ex 1: When I was twelve years old, my cousin Kim fainted at the mall. Ex. 2: While waiting for my ice cream, I witnessed something horrible.
Brainstorming Details You will need to brainstorm different details that will help bring the reader into the story. What were you like BEFORE the event took place? What did you think? What did you feel? What did you believe? *Remember! Before Event After
Brainstorming details of topic Always went to the mall Saw my cousin three times a year, so this was a special occasion Had never witnessed a medial emergency Relied on adults Had to be a role model for my sister Raised to think that caring for others is important
Drafting introduction When I was younger, I always went to the mall with my sister. One day, my cousin whom I rarely saw, came to the mall with us. We were all really excited to spend time together.
Drafting introduction When I was younger, I always went to the mall with my sister. One day, my cousin whom I rarely saw, came to the mall with us. We were all really excited to spend time together. I knew Kim had surgery recently, but I only ever saw her once she left the hospital.
Drafting introduction When I was younger, I always went to the mall with my sister. One day, my cousin whom I rarely saw, came to the mall with us. We were all really excited to spend time together. I knew Kim had surgery recently, but I only ever saw her once she left the hospital. I never thought I’d see her become ill and be forced to make a decision to save her life while looking out for my sister.
Drafting introduction When I was younger, I always went to the mall with my sister. One day, my cousin whom I rarely saw, came to the mall with us. We were all really excited to spend time together. I knew Kim had surgery recently, but I only ever saw her once she left the hospital. I never thought I’d see her become ill and be forced to make a decision to save her life while looking out for my sister. Continue with your background info until you have included ALL the necessary or related information.
Thesis Statement This reveals the essential lesson of your experience
Harkness’s Thesis Ex. 1: This experience taught me a valuable lesson about how I need to care for others.
Harkness’s Thesis Ex. 2: This experience taught me that I need make decisions that will help others.