Literary Essay English 122
Introduction Discusses your interpretations Goes beyond the plot Explain some deeper meaning of the work Do not retell the story Details of plot should be used only to support particular claim Resist mentioning what you think of the work
Before Writing Analyze the piece of literature closely so that you can interpret it.
Tone Determine the author’s tone Serious, ironic, humourous, etc.
Conflict Man vs. Man Man vs. Self Man vs. Nature Man vs. Supernatural Man vs. Technology Man vs. Society
Character & Character Development Understanding of the characters Analyze their speech, actions, and reactions to other characters and by other characters As a result of their experiences, characters often develop or change Change often results from a particular insight or realization
Situation Has two elements that affect the main character External elements (other characters, time, place, atmosphere, etc.) Internal elements (the way he/she deals with conflict, and experiences he/she is undergoing)
Narrator & Point of View Limited point of view Can only tell the story from as one character sees or hears it. Omniscient point of view Third person point of view
Symbol Something that stands for or represents something else
Theme Manipulates all of the preceding elements in developing his/her theme or general idea Seldom, this is stated explicitly