NUTRITION High Performance Fuel for High Performance Production
Thomas B. Mills B.S. Health & Physical Education Georgia College & State University M.Ed. Georgia College & State University Ed.S. Lincoln Memorial University
CSCS National Strength & Conditioning Association The NSCA Certification Commission is the only fitness-related organization to have credentials nationally accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) since 1993.
CSCS The CSCS certification is a specialized program that identifies individuals who have demonstrated proficiency in the areas of proper strength and conditioning practices. Those certified individuals have a diverse academic and professional background, including strength coaches, athletic trainers, physical therapists, personal trainers, physicians, chiropractors, researchers and educators.CSCS
Energy How Many Calories Do I need? Total Energy Expenditure is made up of Resting and active energy expenditure. To maintain weight your Total Energy Expenditure must equal calorie intake.
Weight Gain To Gain weight your calorie intake must be greater then your TEE.
Weight Loss To lose weight your calorie intake must be lower then your TEE
What is My TEE? Males REE= 11 X body weight in pounds Females REE= 10 X Body weight in pounds
What is My TEE? Males REE= (weight,kg)+5(height, cm)-6.76(age,yr) Females REE= (weight,kg)+1.84(height, cm)-4.68(age, yr)
Males Activity Factor Resting = 1 Sedentary = 1.3 Light = 1.6 Moderate = 1.7 Very Active = 2.1 Extremely Active = 2.4
Females Activity Factor Resting = 1 Sedentary = 1.3 Light = 1.5 Moderate = 1.6 Very Active = 1.9 Extremely Active = 2.2
Daily Calorie Needs Your REE X your AF = your TEE calories
Were do these calories come from?
Protein Protein has many functions in the body. We are concerned with its role for growth, development, and repair of muscle tissues. Muscle is composed of approximately 22% protein. To add one pound of muscle per week, an additional 100 grams of protein per week is needed.
Protein This is only about 14 g extra a day. This is about 2oz. Of meat, fish (tuna), chicken, and cheese. May also be found in 2 cups of low fat or skim milk. Carbohydrate consumption immediately following resistance training can decrease protein breakdown, leading to a positive balance, which is important for muscle growth.
How much protein? Research recommends 0.68 to 0.81 grams of protein per pound of body weight when gains in muscle mass are the goal. Strength phase, In season and maintenance of muscle mass, 0.53 to 0.63 is recommended.
Carbohydrate Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for the brain and muscles during exercise. Carbohydrates are broken down in the body to a simple sugar called glucose. Glucose can be stored in the body as a substance called glycogen, which can be used at a later time for energy.
Carbohydrate Sufficient carbohydrate storage is essential for high performance. The larger the glycogen stores before exercise or competition, the longer and harder the athlete can perform.
How much carbohydrate? The average diet provides 1.8 to 2.3 grams per pound. For athletes research suggest a carb intake of 3.2 to 4.5 when training for 1 to 3 hours. For training that last 4 or more hours per day this recommendation increases to 5.4 to 5.9.
Carbohydrate Quality Carbohydrates Whole grain bread, cereal, tortillas, pancakes, oatmeal, lowfat muffins, pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables, and lowfat milk. Carbohydrates that do not include extra fat and sugar are smart choices for selection.
Fat Fat is essential for the body to work well. 20%-35% of calories from fat for teenagers and adults. All fats are not equal, only 10% of fats should be saturated fats. The sport may determine the exact % of fat.
Alcohol Alcohol does not aid in the formation of muscle glycogen and can interfere with normal blood sugar control. Alcohol is a CNS depressant that slows reaction time, balance, strength and coordination. Alcohol is about 7 calories per gram, double that of protein and carbohydrates, it is also a very low nutrient dense food.
Hydration Dehydration occurs when body water levels are below normal. 1% water loss can cause a decrease in performance. Two ways to monitor, urine check, and weigh inns before and after workouts. When you feel thirsty it’s usually to late.
Rehydration Water is recommended for any activity that last 1 hour or less. Intermittent exercises such as sports that last longer than an hour have shown performance increases when a sports drink is used. Play-offs It takes on average 3 cups or 24 ounces of cool fluid for each pound of body weight loss.
Post Exercise Current research suggest that we should eat a post workout snack within min. after exercise. This helps replace the glycogen we burn, minimize protein breakdown, and promote protein synthesis.
Post Exercise Research suggest that post execcise nutrition should include low fat protein sources, while still maintaining high carbohydrate intake. 1 cup of Chocolate milk or 1 cup of fruit and yogurt. The guys that are trying to gain weight would need one of these and a PB&J sandwich as well.
Daily Plan Nutrition Guide (Increase your Eggs, Tuna, and Milk intake) Breakfast: Eggs Meat Fruit Grains Oatmeal Drink MILK * 2 scramble egg, meat (lunch meat, Tuna) on slice of cheese, and two slices of wheat toast. Combine these to create a power breakfast sandwich.
Daily Plan Snack: PB&J, PB & Banana, Turkey, ham, chicken and cheese. Shakes or meal replacement drinks. Power/ protein bars EGGS, EGGS,EGGS Left overs from the night before Mac and TUNA (this is easy, mix 2 easy Mac packets and one 6 oz can of Tuna) Lunch: School Lunch plus at least two of the following. Lunch must have Fruit, and vegetables. Some sort of sandwich, (PB&J, PB & Banana, Turkey, ham and cheese) 3 eggs, Potato, Shake. Drink MILK and WATER
Daily Plan Snack: Same as above, mix it up so you don’t burn out. Dinner: Meats, Fruits, grains, vegetables. Drink Milk, and water. Snack: Same as above, mix it up so you don’t burn out.
Daily Plan Vending Machine and food choice Rule: Stay away from foods that contain one or more of the following in the first five ingredients. Sugar Corn Syrup Hydrogenated oils *** Eggs are easy, scramble an egg or more in a bowl and put into the microwave for 45 sec. to one minute (depending on microwave) per egg and eat. Add cheese if needed. Eat them plan or on sandwiches or anything else, just eat them. We have to eat breakfast within an hour after we wake up, the sooner the better. We need six meals a day with a wide range of foods. One of our snacks needs to be as soon as we get thru with our workout.