Nouns ENG 110 Prof. K. Horowitz
Index Objectives Introduction What is a noun? Common & Proper nouns Concrete & Abstract nouns Collective & Compound Try Your Luck! Practice Exercises
Objectives This module is designed to offer students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with English nouns and their different categories. Students should be able to identify nouns according to their individual characteristics.
Introduction There are many nouns in English, and coincidentally, the categories we use to identify them are the same as the ones we use in Spanish. Through this module, it is hoped that you’ll be able to better identify them based on the categories they belong to.
A noun is a word which refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. There are several different types of nouns: Common and proper nouns. Concrete and abstract nouns. Collective & compound nouns.
Noun categories overlap, and it is possible for a noun to be more than one. For example, the noun dog is common and concrete. The noun butterfly is common, concrete, and compound.
Common & Proper Nouns Common Nouns: Refer to something that is not unique and has no defining characteristics. EX: desk, chair Proper Nouns: Refers to a unique person, place, thing, or idea; that has defining characteristics. They are always written with the first letter capitalized.EX: Mayaguez, John
Concrete & Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns: Can be perceived by at least one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). EX: Chair, John Abstract Nouns: Cannot be perceived by any of the five senses. They are usually emotions, ideals, or concepts. EX: Freedom, love, sadness.
Collective & Compound Nouns Collective Nouns: Refers to a single noun that indicates or refers to more than one. EX: Family, team, club Compound Noun: A single noun formed by two or more words. They can be together, separate, or divided by hyphen (-). EX: Butterfly, Christmas tree, mother-in-law
Try Your Luck! What types of nouns is the following example? Kansas City Abstract & collective Common & concrete Compound & proper
Let’s try another one! Family Concrete & collective Abstract & collective Common & compound
Practice Exercises Identify the following nouns as common or proper. Car Dog William Mall France Cheetos House Clothes Mother New York
Identify the following nouns as concrete or abstract. Table Hate Keys Snow Common courtesy Boredom Pen Chicago Music Wood
Identify the following nouns as collective or compound. New York City grizzly bear gang man-at-arms strawberry band city freshman circus school
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