By: Personal Trainer Juliana Good
What is Core Strength? Core Strength- the strength of the underlying muscles of the torso, which help determine posture The strength of your core will determine how well you walk, move, and feel!
Lower Abs These exercises help you have less of that annoying fat that hangs over your jeans and bikinis. Most of these exercises are a bit challenging, but they definitely pay off in the long run! Upper Abs Upper Ab exercises help you decrease fat under your chest and rib cage. These exercises are usually not difficult, but you have to do many of them to get the best results. Oblique These muscles are located on either side of your mid abdominals. The exercises that you do to work them are pretty hard, and they give you a kick-butt workout when combines with lower ab exercises. What Am I Working?
The Oblique Bicycle (with arms) Cross over Crunches Russian Twists Can-Can Lower Abs Leg raises Jackknives Bicycle (no arms) Reverse Crunches Upper Abs Sit Ups Crunches Full/half Teasers Anything where you sit up Let’s Break It Down:
WARNING! There are some risk factors involved with doing core exercises as there are with any other type of exercising If you eat before working out, you could have stomach problems when you start If you over work yourself, you could seriously injure your muscles and limbs If you work out too much, you could exhaust yourself and get sick. Push yourself, but not too hard!
And Remember… As I help you get in shape, remember one thing: