Deep sea fish By wil and kayla 8A
Vampire squid The vampire squid is a amazingly a huge deep sea lives at about 1000 feet.It eats small fish and is red.its called the vampire squid because it is red and very big.they can grow up to 6 feet and 200lbs.
Yellow fin tuna This is a huge tuna.They can grow up to 5 feet and 1000lbs.It lives in some of the deepest waters in the world. This tuna will eat any thing it can find.
Lantern fish They have and little small light coming from there head to the front of there body.And sense it is very dark in the deep ocean that helps them out.Also this fish has very sharpe teeth and has a temper little a perana.
Large mouth shark This is a deep sea shark with a really big mouth.It only eats small with due to its smaller body. It covers it self with sand to camoflauge itself
Ocean sunfish It is the heaviest bony fish in the world. With an average weight of 3000 pounds.The species is native to tropical and warm waters around the water.
Grenadiers The large species has a rounded head and a mouth which faces forward to catch squid and fish that swim up off sea floor. As in most other rattails the males of this species have a special drum machine on there swim bladder that is used to attract females.