A Whole New Mind Looking at the learning needs in the 21st Century with Dan Pink zf0&feature=related
Discussion Do we promote L- or R- directed thinking? How? What is the proper balance? Is storytelling part of your curriculum? If not, should it be? How?
Investigating Story content/wholenewmind.htmlhyperlink
Digital Storytelling overview
What is Digital Storytelling? Combining the art of telling stories with some mixture of digital graphics, text, recorded audio narration, video and music to present information on a specific topic. Revolve around a theme and often contain a particular viewpoint; stories are typically just a few minutes long.
Types of Digital Stories Personal Narratives Character Stories – examples ow we love, who we are inspired by, and the importance of finding meaning in our relationships. Memorial Stories – deal with memories of people who are no longer with us. These stories are often difficult but are emotionally powerful and can help with the grieving process. Stories about Events in Our Lives Adventure Stories – revolve around places we visit and adventures we have in our travels. Other Personal Stories Recovery Stories – deal with how we overcome great obstacles and challenges in our lives. Love Stories – provide us with an opportunity to share some of the most meaningful parts of our lives with the people we most cherish. Discovery Stories – let us reflect on what we have learned and illustrate our journeys of discovery.
Types of Digital Stories -1 Examples of Personal Narratives Almost Paradise The Computer and I Fleeing Hurricane Rita Coming to Houston
Types of Digital Stories -2 Examples of Historical Digital Stories The Gettysburg Address s/gettysburg-with-intro-final.wmv s/gettysburg-with-intro-final.wmv The Holocaust aust.htm aust.htm Hiroshima hima.htm hima.htm
Types of Digital Stories - 3 Stories that Inform or Instruct It can be Argued that All Digital Stories Inform (or Instruct) But the Distinction is that Digital Stories Can Be Created that deliver Instructional Content on Many Different Topics Including: Math, Science, Language Arts, Medicine, etc. Geometry: Art & Architecture - Using the van Hiele Levels of Geometric Understanding to Improve Student Achievement
The seven elements of digital story telling The overall purpose of the story (developing a sense of audience) The narrator’s point of view A dramatic question (hook) The choice of content The clarity of voice
Elements of Digital Storytelling cont. The pacing of the narrative Using a meaningful soundtrack Quality of the images, video and other multimedia content Economy of the story Good Grammar and language usage.
Other important things to remember Copyright issues First page of any multimedia project should say: "Some of the material in this presentation is covered under the Copyright Law, Title 17, U.S. Code."
More Important things to remember Using appropriate and meaningful resources
Pre planning is essential for success.
Websites et al Storyboards RAFT: Wordle: Tagxedo: Word Story: Assignment: A day in my life as a teacher.
Audacity Audacity is a cross platform audio recorder/editor
Picassa Online photoediting/ photosharing:
Digital Photography Hints What story am I telling? What is the visual focal point of this shot? What competing focal points are there? What is in the background and the foreground? Am I close enough?
More Hints What is the main source of light? Is the framing straight? From what other perspectives can this be shot? Would holding the camera the other way improve the shot? How will the viewer’s eyes travel through the image?
GWAEA’S TOP Online video creator: Kerpoof (Walt Disney): Online photo editor: