English III McPhee 9/3 – 9/4 2014
English III 9/3 – 9/4 Complete Bellringer Handout Complete Bellringer Handout Grab your composition book and: Grab your composition book and: What can you infer about the Puritans attitude toward their mission in the New World from Governor Winthrop’s words below? “The Lord will make our name a praise and glory, so that men shall say of succeeding plantations: „The Lord make it like that of New England. ‟ For we must consider that we shall be like a City upon a Hill; the eyes of all people are on us.” -John Winthrop First Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony MINIMUM OF 7 COMPLETE SENTENCES
English III 9/3 – 9/4 Native American Story-Telling Project Native American Story-Telling Project Finish sharing stories Finish sharing stories Class, identify if they shared a myth, legend, or trickster tale Class, identify if they shared a myth, legend, or trickster tale
English III 9/3 – 9/4 SPI SPI Edit writing for grammar (pronoun-antecedent agreement) Edit writing for grammar (pronoun-antecedent agreement) CC L2 CC L2 Demonstrate command of standard English conventions Demonstrate command of standard English conventions RI3: Analyze a complex set of ideas & explain how specific ideas interact & develop RI3: Analyze a complex set of ideas & explain how specific ideas interact & develop RI6: Determine author’s POV or purpose in a text in which rhetoric is particularly effective; analyzing style, content, power, persuasiveness, & beauty. RI6: Determine author’s POV or purpose in a text in which rhetoric is particularly effective; analyzing style, content, power, persuasiveness, & beauty.
Unit 2 Essential Questions:· How do I analyze and evaluate text in order to extend my understanding and appreciation?· How can individual contributions within a group influence the direction of the group?· How do heroes face and overcome internal evil/darkness?· How does the definition of freedom change from generation to generation?· Why is it important for the individual to stand up for what he/she believes in? Essential Questions:· How do I analyze and evaluate text in order to extend my understanding and appreciation?· How can individual contributions within a group influence the direction of the group?· How do heroes face and overcome internal evil/darkness?· How does the definition of freedom change from generation to generation?· Why is it important for the individual to stand up for what he/she believes in? Learning Goals: Learning Goals: To understand the methods of characterization of the main characters in The Crucible. To understand the methods of characterization of the main characters in The Crucible. To introduce, identify, understand, and analyze the themes of hypocrisy, guilt, authority, and hysteria. To introduce, identify, understand, and analyze the themes of hypocrisy, guilt, authority, and hysteria. To appreciate the literary elements and techniques of style, irony, and atmosphere. To appreciate the literary elements and techniques of style, irony, and atmosphere. To identify and explore levels of irony. To identify and explore levels of irony. To introduce, identify, understand, and analyze the themes of integrity and courage. To introduce, identify, understand, and analyze the themes of integrity and courage. To comment on the playwright’s style and use of allusion. To comment on the playwright’s style and use of allusion. To understand and analyze the development of the characterization of John Proctor. To understand and analyze the development of the characterization of John Proctor. To understand the themes of authority, guilt, hypocrisy, and integrity as they are developed in the final act of the play. To understand the themes of authority, guilt, hypocrisy, and integrity as they are developed in the final act of the play. Use analytical skills to help understand and break down text. Use analytical skills to help understand and break down text. Closely examine the text for details supporting interpretations. Closely examine the text for details supporting interpretations. Apply the writing process to produce a meaningful writing. Apply the writing process to produce a meaningful writing. Use reading strategies to make meaning of the text. Use reading strategies to make meaning of the text. Examine the connections between culture and literature. Examine the connections between culture and literature. Analyze setting and time frame Analyze setting and time frame Connect literature to historical contexts Connect literature to historical contexts
Respond to the idea of a “City upon a Hill” in writing. Discuss as a class. Respond to the idea of a “City upon a Hill” in writing. Discuss as a class. What adjectives do you think best describe the type of person who could leave home in order to start a colony in an unknown land? What adjectives do you think best describe the type of person who could leave home in order to start a colony in an unknown land? As a class, read excerpts from text. Discuss Puritan beliefs (switch PPT): Are these beliefs different than religious beliefs today? As a class, read excerpts from text. Discuss Puritan beliefs (switch PPT): Are these beliefs different than religious beliefs today?
Write about possible dangers in the linking of church of state. Write about possible dangers in the linking of church of state. Class discussion: what are some of the reasons the framers of the Constitution had for favoring the separation of church and state? Class discussion: what are some of the reasons the framers of the Constitution had for favoring the separation of church and state?
Class Discussion: Cite those values that reflect the Puritan heritage in America. Class Discussion: Cite those values that reflect the Puritan heritage in America. Differentiate between Puritan values that are congruent with our modern, democratic precepts and those Puritan values that contradict the basic tenets of our democratic, secular, and heterogeneous society. Differentiate between Puritan values that are congruent with our modern, democratic precepts and those Puritan values that contradict the basic tenets of our democratic, secular, and heterogeneous society.
“Think Like a Puritan” Group activity Look over sheet and make group decisions. Look over sheet and make group decisions. Each group share their conclusions and discuss as a class. Each group share their conclusions and discuss as a class. Defend the “Why?” of your decisions. Defend the “Why?” of your decisions. What belief (from the reading or from the notes) did you use to make your decisions and conclusions? What belief (from the reading or from the notes) did you use to make your decisions and conclusions? Look at the motivations of the townspeople. Why did they want to know the father’s identity? Could this situation lead to gossip and false accusations? Look at the motivations of the townspeople. Why did they want to know the father’s identity? Could this situation lead to gossip and false accusations?
HW Practice sheet over Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Practice sheet over Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement Don’t forget your textbooks Friday Don’t forget your textbooks Friday