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Who wins? Who loses? Who is destroyed? Who grows? How is the world and the character different at the end than they were at the beginning?
Genre Drama, comedy, horror, tragedy, etc...
Beginning, Middle, and End
Story = Experience + Structure
Events building to an inevitable conclusion.
A meaningful emotional experience right now.
Life experience needs time to gain meaning.
肾上腺素 Adrenaline
A strong ending can make up for a lot of other weaknesses.
Want vs. Need
Another way to express want: Something in the character's world isn't right.
Theme What do you believe in?
Deeper, broader, universal meaning. How will the audience relate to your story?
The key lesson that your main character has learned by the end of the story.
Growing up means losing our innocence. Money and power don't make you happy. One person can make a difference. Be careful what you wish for – you might get it. Crime doesn’t pay. United we stand, divided we fall. If you seek revenge against an enemy, it may also be your own downfall. Before you love another person, you first have to love yourself.
All human beings are created equal. Believing in racial stereotypes will blind you to reality. The pen is mightier than the sword. Parents who can’t let go of their children will make them miserable What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.. We can be our own worst enemy. Honesty, courage, and integrity are more important than money, beauty, and power.