Telling Stories With Clickable Hotspots Using Adobe Flash Jerry Dunklee Robert Workman
Clickable buttons on a map can be used to help tell a meaningful story 1/0128-cairo-map/index.html?hp
SCSU Campus Art
Buttons, Video Holders, Background
Video Holders and Buttons may be dragged onto the background. When a button is clicked a video will play
Videos and buttons are alongside the background. Placing the buttons in meaningful locations on the background help tell a better story
Accessing Campus Map Flash Program The Campus Map Demonstration Flash Program may be accessed by clicking on this link - Campus Map Demonstration Flash Program When Flash opens what you will see is shown below.Campus Map Demonstration Flash Program Exercise – Open Flash by clicking on the above link. Test the program by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing Enter. Click on the buttons labeled 1, 2, or 3. Videos should play
Move the buttons onto the map Exercise – Hold the left mouse button down and drag the buttons onto the map. Test the program by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing Enter. Click on the buttons labeled 1, 2, or 3. Videos should play
Move the videos onto the map Exercise – Hold the left mouse button down and drag the rectangles on the right onto the map. Test the program by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing Enter. Click on the buttons labeled 1, 2, or 3. Videos should play
Change our story. Tell Your Own Story Exercise – 1 Use your own videos or three of the.f4v videos on S: drive Exercise – 2 Use your own background Save and add a link on your homepage. ============================================= Exercises 3- 6 are optional for now. Exercise – 3 Add another button and another video Exercise – 4 Use a timeline as a background Exercise – 5 Use a family tree or business organization as a background Exercise – 6 Instead of video, display text or an image, or play a recording
The End (for now)