Bob Travica MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Instructor: Bob Travica Course Summary Updated: 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Bob Travica MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Instructor: Bob Travica Course Summary Updated: 2015

Bob Travica MIS 2000 Coverage Management Information Systems IT Skills keyboard, mouse hardware data storage; processors for transforming data running software screen, printer hardware Data Transformed & Organized Data Management Process Sales & Delivery Process Marketin g Process Production Process HR Process Accounting Process IS Development & Maintenance Process Supply Process Organization 2

Bob Travica 3 MIS 2000 Coverage Management Open Order Fill Order Deliver overnight Rush order? Deliver regularly Send Invoice Send Payment Reminder Payment received ? Close Order yes no 1. Identify problem ? 2. Create optional solutions 5. Evaluate/Adjust solution   3. Evaluate optional solutions exhaustively and select best   4. Implement solution   Supplier Organization Webstore Supplier Organization Consumer sell buy offer, sell demand, buy B2C B2B Business Process Analysis & approach Data Analysis IS and Business Processes Operations & Strategies Decision making Group work Communication Knowledge management IS security E-commerce as Strategy Economy of IS Time (years)

Bob Travica Process support TPS, MIS, DSS; GSS, KWS, Communication, E-commerce, Enterprise Systems; Internet, wireless... MIS 2000 Coverage Information Systems & Technologies Computer hardware & software System and Application Software Data Use Procedures User Interface Information System Transaction Processing system (TPS) - Daily operations control Supervisory Management Mid-level Management Management Information System (MIS) - Mid-range performance control & planning Executive Management Decisions Support System (DSS) - Strategic decision making Knowledge Work Systems (professionals) Knowledge Work Systems (professionals) Communication Systems (everybody) Communication Systems (everybody) Group Support Systems (teams) Group Support Systems (teams) Office Automation Systems (clerks, others) Office Automation Systems (clerks, others) TCP SMTP FTP TCP/IP SenderReceiver 4

Bob Travica MIS 2000 Coverage MS Access MS Excel IT Skills Skater M competes in M SkaterID SName Gender Age Race RaceID Rname WeatherCond CompetitorsNu m RaceDate SkaterResult Time FinishPosition 5

Bob Travica Lecturing & class discussion Electronic study materials Class exercises team-based Lab practice Tech talk on important & new developments Humor, videos, cartoons 6 Methods We Used

Bob Travica Think of Majoring in MIS IS support every department and most of work in today’s organizations. MIS is related to all management disciplines. Understanding MIS makes a better accountant, marketer, HR expert, purchasing professional… and manager. It pays back to double major in MIS! MIS courses cover databases, IS Analysis & Design, computer networks, IS Strategy, accounting, enterprise systems, and trendy topics. 7

Bob Travica 8 That’s all folks! See ya on April PM For Final Exam Frank Kennedy Brown Gym, seats I tried to make this course interesting and useful even though technology and process/data analysis could have been entirely new (and a bit scary) topics for some of you. I have kept the marking open and as fair as I could. I ran class and lab surveys at mid-semester and made adjustments based on survey results. I tried to prepare you for the exams in a straightforward way. Please evaluate how I did my job.