Researcher’s Name School City, State
Explain the background concepts that your audience needs to understand your research. Describe why you chose your project and it’s purpose. State the question and concise objectives.
State the independent (manipulated) variable, ◦ Levels of the independent variable, ◦ Control group. State the dependent (responding) variable. Note the constants and repeated trials. State your hypothesis
Outline the steps you used and the materials you needed to collect your data. (Is this precise enough to be replicated?) Use pictures to describe your procedure when possible and then describe the pictures to your audience. Include the safety guidelines followed.
Summary data (not raw data) are presented and should consist of: ◦ Numerical Data – titled and labeled. Tables (charts) and graphs, or Pictures and photographs ◦ Verbal Summary This is a verbal summary of your findings with reference to the applicable tables, graphs or pictures.
Evaluate the data presented for general trends and variability, using an appropriate method of analysis, such as: ◦ Measure of central tendency, ◦ Measure of variation, ◦ Statistical analysis. Demonstrate an understanding of the analysis you used, by describing: ◦ How it was done. ◦ What it means.
This is where you interpret your results. ◦ State your major findings. ◦ Compare them to other research. Your statistical analysis should support the conclusions that you are drawing from your data and the explanations that you propose. What are the major reasons, with citations, that explain the major trends found in your data?
State your conclusions clearly and concisely. State whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. Suggest any improvements that could be made. What are the ‘next steps’ in your research?
The sources you used should be cited. ◦ This can be done in a slide(s) here, or ◦ The sources used for each slide can be listed in the footer of the slide.
This is reserved for those individuals you want to thank. Note. Although this was not part of your paper, it is suggested that you include a list of acknowledgements here.