Invitational Summer Institute July 10, 2014 Day 11
Agenda Monday, July :00-9:15Daily Log; Emery Author’s Chair 9:15-9:20PPT formatting 9:20-10:35Demonstration Lesson: Wendy Break 10:45-11:15Demo Lesson Response 11:15-12:00Inquiry Groups 12:00-3:30Lunch Lottery and Writing Marathon chez Rowlands
Luncheon Invitations? –Please the name and position of your guest(s) to
Daily Log
Author’s Chair
Learned… Memoir writing can be fun; a nice place to have kids start How writing standards are similar to reading standards The 6 word memoir can be successful across grades An accessible way to introduce 6 word memoirs Using 6 word memoirs to teach characterization Techniques for teaching 6 word memoirs I really liked the concept of writing a memoir How to write a 6 word memoir
Surprises and questions How the CC is going to change the business of teaching today’s learners How much I enjoy my writing time. How into the publishing stage of the 6-word memoir we got when given pretty supplies. We need more time when working w/ writing groups (at least my group does) Orientation is still topic. How easy it is to come with 6 words and the creative aspect of 6 word.
More about? How to assess writing…maybe a continuum. How to effectively assess writing that meets individual needs of students. Examples of well-written rubrics.
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Story Telling Dice by Wendy Shmaeff A Writing Workshop designed for Kindergarten students
B ackground: I have worked with a variety students in grades k-5 for over twenty years. Writing is an area that I have seen many 4 th and 5 th grade students struggle with. I believe that students need to begin writing as soon as they start school. They should experience multiple forms and styles of writing in all content areas. I am always looking for ways to spark my student’s creativity and ignite their desire for learning. What is Writing Workshop? Writing workshop is one of the key components in a balanced literacy program. Writing Workshop is a teaching technique that invites students to write by making the process a meaningful part of the classroom curriculum. Writing is an expected activity on a daily basis. Students are exposed to the organization and thought required to create a story or write about a favorite topic. Because they are allowed to choose the topic, students are motivated to create and complete writing to share with classmates. Effectiveness of using Story Dice Develops imagination, encourages discussion and creativity, increases vocabulary, links beginning, middle and end.
Common Core Standards Kindergarten “ I CAN” WRITE (Writing) I can write different types of writing for different reasons. W.K.1 I can draw or write to help me share what I think. W.K.2 I can draw or write to help me explain about a topic. W.K.3 I can draw or write to tell an organized story about something that has happened.
ELD Standards 10. W.K.1-3, 5-8;L.K.1-2,6 Composing/Writing Draw, dictate, and write to compose very short literary texts (e.g., story) and informational texts(e.g., a description of a dog), using familiar vocabulary collaboratively in shared language activities with an adult(e.g., joint construction of texts), with peers, and sometimes independently. IEP Educational Goal Moderate level of support By (date), when given an event, with the support of a peer, (name) will use a sentence stem to write (1 ) complete sentence to describe each detail in the event, verbally state a reaction to the event and create (1) picture that illustrates the event in (4 out of 5 trials) as measured by (student work samples).peer,sentence stempicture
UDL (Universal Design for Learning) UDL I 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information When presenting the students with an event, teachers can provide students with physical objects (realia) that relate to the event. Teachers can have students interact with the realia by using it to act out the event. Teachers can use each object to prompt students about the details of the event and the order in which each detail occurred. Students can also use the objects to help create an illustration of the event.physical objects (realia)illustration UDL II 5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition Teachers can provide students with sentence stems that are missing words or phrases to help students construct a narrative.sentence stems
Let’s get started.... Here you will use your Story Organizer template Choose, share, and place Step 1: Using your Character dice, choose one character that you would like to write about. Step 2: Share with your neighbor, my character is a ___________. Step 3: Place your dice face up so you can see the character you chose. Do the same for setting and prop. The last step on your sentence frame, is to pick a feeling for your character. You may choose from one of the pictures on the board, or pick one from the box of picture tiles.
Time to Illustrate your story Use the story template to copy your story from the sentence frame. Draw a picture that tells about your character. Share your story with your neighbor.
Resources: culumcorner123/2012/11/26/i-can-common- core-kindergarten/ culumcorner123/2012/11/26/i-can-common- core-kindergarten/ : Curriculum Corner/Common Core/Kindergarten Standards Common Core and Special Education mon-core-aligned/ v/bDvKnY0g6e4 Robb, L The Smart Writing Book. Heinemann Calkins, L., Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing. Heinemann (Kinder Sampler)
Demo lesson feedback
Inquiry Groups
For Next Time… Informing Writing Looking at student work Begin thinking about a piece for the anthology. Review the assessment/ evaluation readings on the flash drive (choose a few to read…).