What does it mean? Current Events are things that are taking place now in the news
International: News from around the world National : News from around the nation Local : News from Connecticut, New York or New Jersey Sports/Entertainment/Science News about these topics What I Think- WIT Your opinion on ONE of the topics you chose.
Mr. Goodman will assign you a date in alphabetical order.
What should the presentation look like? Typed in 12 point font, labeled with different topics, must include a picture. Can I copy what I read in the news article?- NEVER – IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS What about quotes?- You have to find a meaningful quotation from the article What else has to be handed in with my report?- The articles you used to get your information with the quote highlighted. What if I forget the requirements?- Look at the Rubric What if the article is too difficult to understand?- Pick another source or a different story.