1. Please pickup your handouts (3) in front of classroom. 2. Please quietly sit in your assigned seat and read the syllabus while waiting for me.
I. Introduction II. Collect Summer Assignments III. Distinguish Note vs. Lab Journal IV. Explain the Syllabus V. Explore Mr. Lam’s Webpage VI. Explain Different Handouts VII. Discuss Lab Safety Rules & Equipments VIII. Homework and End of Class Journaling
List 3 safety rules you have learned in your previous science classes.
A. Myself B. Yourselves/Your Partner 1. Briefly tell your name and your goal during and after you graduate from JECA and NLC.
A. Myself A. Background i. Born in Vietnam
A. Myself A. Education A. B.S. Zoology (OSU) B. M.S. Biology (UTSA)
MacArthur HS JECA Substituting Middle Schools- High Schools Tutor at University EOC Results : 100% Biology : 100% Biology and Chemistry : 100% Expected Biology and Chemistry
Buddhist Philosophy/Meditation Nature/Plants/Invertebrate/ vertebrate Evolution/Classification Universe/Astrobiology
A. Myself B. Yourselves/Your Partner 1. Briefly tell your name and your goal during and after you graduate from JECA and NLC.
A. Note Journal is using everyday in class to copy down notes and write end of class summarization journal. B. Lab Journal is using specifically for Labs – write lab reports
QUESTIONS? Quiz (open syllabus! )
A. Syllabus B. Lab Safety Contract C. Chemistry Warm-up Answer Sheet D. Formal Lab Report Format and Rubric
A. Rules B. Equipments
Rule #1 Read and understand all safety instructions before you begin.
Rule #2 Follow directions and use the equipment only as instructed.
Rule #3 Locate the emergency exit and safety equipment, including the eye/face wash, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and alarm.
Rule #4 Wear all required safety equipment (including goggle, apron, gloves, long pants, and closed toe shoes). Tie back hair and loose clothes.
Rule #5 Pour acid into water; Not water into acid.
Rule #6 Pin specimens to pan. Do not dissect while holding them in your hand.
Rule #7 Avoid contamination. Do not return unused chemicals to original source. Keep the correct spatula and/or stopper with its container
Rule #8 Report all accidents, spills, and broken glass to the teacher.
Rule #9 Avoid eating, drinking, or directly smelling chemicals (waft instead).
Rule #10 Keep metals and water away from electrical equipment.
Rule #11 Point test tubes that are being heated away from you and others.
Rule #12 Never horse-playing in the Lab.
Rule #13 Clean up your area, tools, and hands when done.
Rule #14 Turn off equipment. Recycle or dispose of materials properly.
Top 10 Lab Safety Rules Video Lab Safety Videos
What’s wrong with these pictures?
You have looked up the hazards of the chemicals you will be using in a particular lab, and found out that they are mild health hazards, requiring you to avoid skin contact and vapor inhalation. Therefore, when in lab you should: a.wear short shorts and sandals b.wear long pants, closed toed shoes, and a lab apron c.wear gloves d.b and c e.a and c
If the fire alarm sounds, you should: a. do nothing - it is probably a false alarm b. shut down your experiment, get your stuff, then leave the building c. leave the building immediately following fire alarm protocols d. grab a fire extinguisher and/or safety wash
Safety I Sharps container Safety Goggles Lab coat Biohazardous waste container Glass disposal container
Fire Extinguisher Eye Wash Station Chemical Fume Hood
Let’s Practice! Hand out “Recognized Lab Safety Worksheet”
VIII. Homework and End of Class Journaling
1. Signed Syllabus and Lab Safety Contract 2. Bring supplies 3. Study for safety quiz tomorrow 4. Explore Mr. Lam’s webpage
1. Quietly write at least 5 sentences in your “note journal” summarizing what you have learned today. 2. If you finish early and have any question for me, please write on a post-it-note and stick it to the “parking lot”. 3. Please wait for me to dismiss the class! You are wonderful! Love having you in class! Thank you!: