At the conclusion of this module you will know: The 10 steps to prospect fulfillment. How to apply answers from the 22 questions to fulfillment. How to move to the next step—the close.
Fulfillment Now it’s your turn to speak…
The 10 Step Close Name that pain Value of TAB Business Vantage Personal Vision Company Vision SBL Quantification Value of peer boards TAB resources Current members Your value as facilitator/coach
1. Name that Pain (Challenges) The ones they know The ones they do not know Their need to improve No Corporate VisionNo Personal Vision No Sales ProcessNo SWOT Family BusinessNo Witten Procedures Poor MarketingNo Sounding Board CashflowHR Challenges
2. TAB Business Vantage Assessment Value of assessing company strengths and weaknesses—move forward on strengths Gap between owner’s expectations and actual performance—re-set focus Gap between the owner’s and the partners’/executives’ perception of the company— create alignment Bench mark you against others in your industry— input from your industry
3. Personal Vision Need a personal plan to achieve the prospect’s definition of success. The Personal Vision includes income, net worth, work week, vacations, hobbies, what they love to do during free time. What he/she likes and does not like about the business. Just repeat what the prospect said—offer hope
4. Company Vision Is it written down? Do the employees know the Vision? Is the Vision followed? Focuses the company A filter for employees to make decisions Creates buy in to attract and retain employees Develop the importance for a Vision
5. Strategic Business Leadership Focus on the Critical Success Factors that will move you in the desired direction Alignment for you and our staff Accountability for your staff through assigned Action Steps Create an SBL process for the prospect’s Critical Success Factor
6. Quantification Focusing on a Critical Success Factor. What pain is repeated most or what is the CSF they will first bring to the board meeting. How long has it been a problem? What have you tried to do to fix it? What is it costing you in round numbers? Is that a little or a lot? Who else besides you cares? What happens if you don’t fix it? What if it could fix it? What happens then?
7. Value of a Peer Board Real life feedback from peers Do not have to re-invent the wheel Open and candid input Allowed to be vulnerable Held accountable (Hold feet to fire!!)
8. Resources Tips from the Top newsletter TAB Express TAB Hotline Member Yellow Pages TheAlternativeBoard.com Search engine of all our tips & articles TAB Boards Rewards program Local meetings with other boards
9. Current TAB Board Members Description of based on: Size of business Number of employees Type of business Personal skills of business owner Past experience of business owner Perspective of business owner
10. Your Value as the Facilitator/Coach Contacts you have Your expertise Based on the needs of the prospect Examples from your history with your TAB members
Desired Results: The Close
Desired Results “I believe you would make an excellent member.” “There is no question, based on what we have discussed, that TAB has the possibility of making a major difference in your business and in your life.” “What would you like the next step to be?”
Silence S/He who speaks first loses!
New TAB Board You set the first TAB board meeting date. It should be about five weeks from the GIM. Member billing does not start until you have assigned the first board meeting date.
“Let’s Do It” “You’ve made a great decision.” Complete the Membership Application. Fill out EFT/credit card form or get a check. Examples of forms Leave the New Member Kit /complete personal vision Questions Explain TAB Business Vantage Date of First Board Meeting
“Let’s Do It” or call your other members for approval. Give them a few days to respond. If they do not respond, consider that as approval.
Key Objectives Always have a prepared outline for fulfillment Do not forget to focus on their Critical Success Factor Remember to quantify