Questionnaire validation: migrant perspective of hospital care Marc A. Bruijnzeels, PhD Gea C. van der Woerdt
Outline Background Aim of the study Methods Results Conclusion
Background Hospital Comparison System 36% ethnic minorities in Rotterdam area, main groups: Moroccans Turks Cape Verdians (West Africa) Surinamese (South America) Dutch Antilleans (Caribbean) Adapt and extend the questionnaires
Aim of the study To investigate whether the developed questionnaires are valid and reliable to measure the quality of hospital care from the migrants’ perspective
Migrant Inpatient Outpatient Questionnaires Based on: Hospital Comparison System questionnaires Inpatient Outpatient 15 focus group interviews with migrant: Inpatients Outpatients
Method of research Pilot study with nine Rotterdam hospitals Translation questionnaires Selection on surname Face-to-face interviews at home by bilingual interviewers Reliability Item acceptability, non-missing 10% Questions to evaluate language use etc.
Validity Content validity Answers on open questions Construct validity loading 0.60 alpha coefficient .70 Criterion validity correlation with overall satisfaction
Response 398 respondents contacted, response 39%: 157 interviews, 155 useful
Reliability Proportion missing data < 10% 4% thought language use was difficult 8% answer categories difficult (yes, actually yes, actually no, no) 77% found it important or very important interviewer from own culture
Validity Content: answers on open questions suggested no missing items Constructs of outpatient questionnaire: 5 general dimension 1 new dimension 2 ethnic specific dimensions (with at least half of the items added)
General dimensions number of items HCSMOQ 1.Information received about disease/ treatment 6 5 “Patient knew why treatment or medical examination was necessary” 2.Knowledge of doctors about disease/treatment General opinion waiting room Attitude of assistant X-ray ward Attitude of assistant Blood test 3 3 Attitude of doctors 8 -
New and ethnic specific dimensions Outpatient Q 1 new dimension with 2 general items: Patients' autonomy “doctor let me decide too” “doctor asked for permission” 2 ethnic specific dimensions: Attitude of doctors (take seriously and specific) Attitude of doctors (time and attention)
Attitude of doctors (take seriously and specific) Doctor has an open attitude towards my culture Doctor took my health complains seriously Doctor tried to understand me Doctor told bad news tactically Doctor gave me a feeling to have prejudices Doctor discriminated
Relation with overall satisfaction Outpatients questionnaire Attitude of doctors (take seriously and specific)F ** Attitude of doctors (time and attention)F 4.857* Inpatient questionnaire Welcome on emergency admissionF ** Attitude (in general) of nursesF ** Attitude (specific) of nursesF 9.308** Knowledge of nurses about disease/treatmentF 8.500** Information from doctors and nurses on dischargeF 8.341** Information from doctorsF 7.815** **p 0.01; *p 0.05; Cursive: specific dimensions
Conclusions Dimensions Migrant Inpatient and Outpatient Questionnaires valid regarding: content construct criterion internal reliability Measuring quality of outpatient and inpatient hospital care from the perspective of ethnic minorities, valid and reliable, add ethnic specific items in questionnaire