Ch.13 Sec.3
Brazil – Completely controlled by Portugal by the 1500s Only area controlled by Portugal in the W. Hemisphere
Peninsulares Creoles Multi-Racial Groups
Peninsulares European-born Govt Officials & high-ranking officers Creoles Descendents of Europeans born in Latin America Owned land and ran businesses Mixed Racial Groups Mestizos (European & Native American mix) Mulattoes (European & African mix)
Treatment of Mixed Races Were treated as inferior by Peninsulares & Creoles Mestizos became larger over time, gained more rights as a result Groups treated worst were imported slaves & conquered natives
Colonies of the Americas Provided resources for the mother country to become more economically powerful Each colony was ruled by a viceroy (governor) Portugal & Spain gained gold, silver, agricultural goods from colonies Colonies continued to use the encomienda system for labor Mita – System used in Peru to force laborers to work in silver mines
Religion in the Americas Both Portugal & Spain force Christianization of natives in their colonies Missionaries helped spread European culture amongst the natives Catholic church built missions, monasteries, churches, hospitals, & schools across the Americas Juana Ines de la Cruz Helped create religious refuges for women