ELA CST Prep Day 1
We Took the Diagnostic Test, Now What? Looking at your diagnostic results as a class (excel sheet), the standard we need to work on is ____. According to the Measuring Up book, the lesson that will help us with the standard is lesson ____.
Read the First Page of the Lesson Silently (8 minutes) By reading the lesson you gain an understanding of the format and structure of certain passages. *It’s the page with the standard listed.
Co-Construct a Chart (6 minutes) As a class brainstorm some key ideas about what you read in the lesson. “I will chart your responses on the board.” We will focus on these key ideas as we read the passages.
Test-Taking Strategy #1: Writing in the Margins Why is it helpful to write in the margins when you are reading? It is a way to check to see if you understand what you are reading. When you write on the margins, you give yourself time to process the information on a deeper level.
Test-Taking Strategy #1: Writing in the Margins This is what Writing in the Margins looks like.
Because we have to share our Measuring Up books we will not be able to write on them (with 1 exception). So how can we write on the margins? Create the summary chart as shown here. Let’s Try It!
Open your Measuring Up Book to the first reading passage of the lesson. Number the paragraphs on the book. We mentioned that you could not write on the Measuring Up book, but writing the numbers by the paragraphs is permitted. Let’s Try It!
Count how many paragraphs are in the passage. Now fill in the paragraph #s on your summary chart. For example, if the passage has 5 paragraphs, this is how your chart will look like on the next page. Let’s Try It!
What Writing in the Margins look like on your Summary Chart If the reading passage has 5 paragraph write this in the Paragraph column.
Read each paragraph and write a 1 or 2 sentence summary in your own words. This is how you “Write in the Margins,” which can help improve your performance on the CSTs or any other test! Let’s Try It! This is an example of what it can look like.
ELA CST Prep Day 2
Using your first Summary Chart copy the exact same format of the Summary Chart on the back page of your paper. Create A Summary Chart For Passage 2 The back page of your paper should look like this.
Open your Measuring Up Book to the second reading passage of the lesson. Number the paragraphs on the book. We mentioned that you could not write on the Measuring Up book, but writing the numbers by the paragraphs is permitted. Passage 2
Count how many paragraphs are in the passage. Now fill in the paragraph #s on your summary chart. For example, if the passage has 5 paragraphs, this is how your chart will look like on the next page. Writing in the Margins
What Writing in the Margins look like on your Summary Chart If the reading passage has 5 paragraph write this in the Paragraph column.
Similar to what we did before, read each paragraph and write a 1 or 2 sentence summary in your own words. When you are finished with this activity, we are going to learn about a new strategy to help you perform better on tests. Writing in the Margins Passage 2 This is an example of what it can look like.
Test-Taking Strategy #2: Question Analysis What is question analysis and how can it help during testing? It is a way to focus your thinking on what needs to be answered. When you have a very good idea of what is being asked in a question you’ll have a better idea on what to look for when you go back to re-read the text.
Test-Taking Strategy #2: Question Analysis Here’s what it looks like.
Create the questions analysis chart by copying the format below on your paper. Let’s Try It! (Set up the QA Chart)
Let’s Try It! Question Analysis Write some of the key words or phrases from the question. In one sentence write what the question is asking you to do. Read and re-read the question again if you are not sure of what you are being asked to do. Keep in mind the key words and phrases that you wrote down to help you focus more. Once you have a better idea of what the question is asking, write it down on your paper.
Question Analysis Looks Like This!
Combining Writing in the Margins and Question Analysis Once you are finished doing the question analysis, re-read the passages. Using your writing in the margins and question analysis charts, you now have a better focus when reading the passages and a better chance of answering test questions.
Repeat Test Taking Strategies 1 and 2 for Day 3 and Day 4 Lessons