2008 Georgia Soybean Update UGA Soybean Team Glen Harris, Soil Science Kerry Harrison, Bio & Ag Engineering Bob Kemerait, Plant Pathology Eric Prostko, Weed Science Phillip Roberts, Entomology Nathan Smith, Ag & Applied Economics John Woodruff, Soybean Culture
WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH SOYBEANS AND OILSEEDS? World oilseed demand is growing rapidly. Soybeans are competing with other crops for acreage. Consumers are seeking quality vegetable Oils. Biodiesel production is absorbing surplus vegetable oil stocks.
The End!
Soybean Changes Since 1990 Acreage Down about 60 Percent Average Yield Up 23 Percent, 23 to 29 bu/A Average Market Price Up 15 Percent (Current Market Price Up Percent) Production Costs Up 49 Percent Strip Till/No-Till Culture Up 55 Percent Irrigation Use Up From <5 to 20 Percent Use of RR Varieties Up From <5 to 90+ %
TRENDS IN GEORGIA SOYBEAN PRODUCTION, GEORGIA SOYBEAN STATISTICS YearHarvested Acres Yield (bu/A) Market Price/bu State Value , M , M , M , M , M Average654, M
TRENDS IN GEORGIA SOYBEAN PRODUCTION, GEORGIA SOYBEAN STATISTICS YearHarvested Acres Yield (bu/A) Mkt Price/bu State Value , M , M , M , M , M Average208, M
Should I consider soybeans for 2008? Examine crop enterprise cost analysis budgets. (Available at County Extension Office) Is land site(s) suitable for soybeans (in regards to soil type, soil pH/fertility, crop rotation, and pesticide residues? Can I get suitable soybean varieties? Can I plant, culture, and harvest on time? Do I have local markets for handling?
EXPECTED GEORGIA SOYBEAN RETURNS/A ABOVE VARIABLE PRODUCTION COSTS 1. Dryland ProductionEstimated Variable Costs/A* Estimated Returns Over VC** Conventional, 25 bu/A$172$28 Conventional, 35 bu/A$172$108 Strip Till, 25 bu/A$177$22 Strip Till, 35 bu/A$177$103 * From 2008 Georgia Crop Enterprise Cost Analysis ** At a market price of $8/bu
EXPECTED GEORGIA SOYBEAN RETURNS/A ABOVE VARIABLE PRODUCTION COSTS 2. Irrigated Production Estimated Variable Costs/A* Estimated Returns Over VC** Conventional, 50 bu/A$252$148 Conventional, 60 bu/A$279$201 Strip Till, 50 bu/A$235$165 Strip Till, 60 bu/A$262$218 * From 2008 Georgia Crop Enterprise Cost Analysis ** At a market price of $8/bu
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 1.Suitable/Adapted Soybean Varieties -Does it have high yield potential? -Does it have needed pest resistance? -Does it have good lodge, seed quality and seed shatter resistance? Find out, check these resources: a. OVT Variety Test Data b. UGA Recommended Soybean Varieties c. Table-Characteristics of Recommended Varieties
Root Galling From Root Knot Nematode Feeding Planting RK Resistant Soybean Varieties Is Important for Sandy Soils.
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 2. Tillage – Use minimum tillage where possible. For Coastal Plain soils, use strip tillage with in-row subsoiling to disrupt soil hard pans. 3. Row Spacing – Plant in row widths that will allow for canopy closure by first bloom. - for early varieties or late plantings, best row widths will usually be inches -for tall growing, favorable environments, best row widths will be usually inches
In-Row Subsoiling Benefits Soybean Growth and Yield on Sandy Coastal Plain Soils
Good row spacing? One that allows for full canopy by first flower. Will vary with variety and planting date. Good Row Spacing for Soybeans? One That Provides for Full Canopy Development by First Bloom. Will Vary with Variety and Planting Date.
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 4. Seeding Rates For favorable soil environments and tall growing varieties, plant thousand seed/A (about 10 seed/ft for 36” row width) For very early varieties, or late plantings, or marginal soil environments, plant thousand seed/A (about 12 seed/ft for 36” row widths Plant seed inches deep in moist soil. Do not plant soybean seed in hot, dry soil.
Good Seeding Rate? One That will Give 3-6 Plants/Row Foot (36” rows). Usually, 8-10 Seed/ft Will Provide These Populations.
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 5. Lime/Fertility (Base applications on soil test) -Lime, as needed to maintain soil pH in the range of 6.0 to 6.5). -Maintain soil P and K at medium+ to high test levels. -Use viable inoculant to insure nitrogen fixation. -For sandy, Coastal Plain soils, apply ¼-½ lb/A of boron at beginning pod fill. -For certain Atlantic Flatwoods soils with high soil pH, foliar manganese may be of benefit.
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 6. Weed Control -Assess weed situation, make weed map for each field. -Use “burn down” herbicide to destroy existing weeds ahead of planting. -For RR system, apply 1-2 glyphosate applications on timely basis, include appropriate PO herbicide if glyphosate tolerant/resistant weeds are present. ___________________________________________ See your county agent or Georgia Pest Control Handbook for appropriate “Tank Mix” herbicides
Timely PO Herbicide Application Is Crucial To Good Weed Control.
PO herbicide application this late = poor performance and yield.
Georgia Confirmed Glyphosate- Resistant Palmer Sites Current Testing 2007
Georgia Confirmed ALS-Resistant Palmer Sites
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 7. Insect Control -Plan weekly scouting program -watch for soil insects during seedling growth -watch for foliage feeding insects during entire growing season. Be prepared to treat if insects eat 30 percent or more of foliage during vegetative growth period, or 15 percent of foliage during reproductive growth period -Watch for pod-feeding insects, especially stink bugs. Be prepared during R3-R-6 to treat if one stink bug per 9 sq ft is found, or if one stink bug per 3 sq ft is found after R6. -If in Coastal Plain, apply Dimilin/boron foliar spray at R3 to protect soybeans from velvetbean caterpillars ____________________________________________________ See your county agent or Georgia Pest Control Handbook for appropriate control measures
Late-Season Foliage Feeding Insects Can Totally Destroy Soybeans, Especially in Southern Counties.
Watch for stinkbugs during pod fill. Treat if 1 per 3 foot of row is found. (36” rows)
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 8. Disease Control– Asian Soybean Rust -Know that Asian Soybean Rust is a major threat to Georgia soybean production. -Stay abreast of rust status in your area and on your farm. -During vegetative soybean growth stages,apply appropriate foliar fungicide if rust is found on your farm. -During reproductive growth stages (R1-R6), apply appropriate fungicide if rust is found in your area. ___________________________________________ See your county agent or Georgia Pest Control Handbook for approved control measures.
What We Have Learned About Soybean Rust HARD to find Can spread within a field rapidly, but doesn’t always do it! Can travel long distances Can severely reduce soybean yield Sentinel Plots/tracking very beneficial Fungicides work
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 9. Managing Soil Moisture Stress -Plant soybeans only in moist soil. -Plant early and late maturing soybean varieties to spread drought risks. -Use no-till or strip tillage to conserve soil moisture and to reduce water runoff. -If irrigating: 1. Irrigate ahead of planting if needed. 2. During vegetative growth, irrigate when soybeans show noticeable leaf wilt by late morning. 3. During reproductive growth (thru R6), irrigate when soybeans show noticeable wilt by late afternoon.
Planting Early and Late Maturing Varieties Can Spread Drought Risks and Optimum Harvest Time
Timely Irrigation Can Increase Soybean Yields to bu/A
SOYBEAN RESPONSE TO SOIL MOISTURE STRESS IN GEORGIA Season Average Level of Soil Moisture Stress During Probability of Occurring in Georgia Expected Yield (bu/A) I. Vegetative Growth II. Reproductive Growth 1. None 0 % Light % Moderate 35-45% Moderately Severe 25-35% Severe 5-15%< 15
Time of Daily Wilting Can Be Used As Guide To When To Irrigate.
SOYBEAN LEAF RESPONSE TO SOIL MOISTURE STRESS 1.NoneNo daily leaf wilting Light Noticeable leaf wilting by late afternoon 3. ModerateNoticeable leaf wilting by late morning 4. Moderately SevereNoticeable leaf wilting by early morning 5. SevereContinuous leaf wilting along with leaf yellowing and shedding
What Inputs Will I Need To Consider For 2008 Soybeans? 10. Efficient Harvest -Plan for harvest ASAP after seed dry to 13 percent moisture. -Try to avoid having green leaves or stems at harvest. -Make sure combine is serviced and adjusted to existing field condition. -Plant varieties of different maturities to spread out optimum harvest time.
Green leaves and stalks at maturity may be due to variety or stink bug damage or foliar fungicides.
What Other Issues/Concerns Should Be Considered? 1.Get crop insurance. 2.Forward contract to take advantage of current high market prices. 3.Rotate crops so that soybeans are planted on land no more often than one in two years. 4.Be active in issues affecting soybeans. (Join Georgia/American Soybean Association.)
Corn Rotation Improves Soybean Yield, USDA, Tifton, Georgia Rotation CropSoybean Yield * Corn32 bu/A Soybean 27 bu/A* *
Good Sources of Soybean Information UGA Soybean Web Site: Georgia Soybean Production Guide UGA Soybean Variety Test Bulletin Characteristics of Recommended Soybean Varieties (table) Georgia Pest Control Handbook Local County Extension Office